[錄取] 2021 Fall Computational Biology PhD

看板studyabroad標題[錄取] 2021 Fall Computational Biology PhD作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:7

# 前言

# 檢定、發表、成績
TOEFL: 30/29/27/25, total: 111
GRE: 167/152, total: 319, AWA: 3.5

1 first author paper under review by Nature Chemical Biology,
1 co-author paper on Nature Communication,
1 co-author paper on Nature Chemical Biology,
1 co-author paper on Journal of Virology.

B.S. in Biochemistry (National Taiwan University), GPA: 3.83/4.0
M.S. in Computational Biology (Carnegie Mellon University), 3.52/4.0

Accepted: Cornell University (Computational Biology), USC (Quantitative and
Computational Biology), UCSC(Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics),
UCI (Mathematical Computational and Systems Biology), University of Virginia
(Biomedical Sciences - Bioinformatics)

# 領域介紹
Computational biology 與 Bioinformatics 其實沒有很明確的區分,但是根據
Cornell Computational Biology Department 網站上的定義“The terms
computational biology and bioinformatics are often used interchangeably.
However, computational biology sometimes connotes the development of
algorithms, mathematical models, and methods for statistical inference, whilebioinformatics is more associated with the development of software tools,
databases, and visualization methods.” 我目前從事的研究,也是以開發應用在生醫、生物、化學等領域的演算法、深度學習與機器學習模型、數學模擬模型為主。使用的程式語言有 Python, R, Go, Rust, C/C++, Bash, AWK 等。

# 如何準備

# 致謝



※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國)
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※ 編輯: lyiyuian ( 美國), 10/16/2021 22:56:43

peter9810/16 22:57是申請PhD?

anxiousSSS10/16 23:49原po大大有一篇nature chem bio一作也只能去到cornell

anxiousSSS10/16 23:50UCSC..?真假的

oscarcc10/17 00:13恭喜你~

caseypie10/17 01:22其實最早的劃分只是一群人是搞程式的一群人是搞統計的

caseypie10/17 01:22而且剛好跟你列出來的分法相反....

caseypie10/17 01:23Comput Biol是從MD開始的,現在MD都快被開除Comput籍了

nezumi56810/17 04:29

※ 編輯: lyiyuian ( 美國), 10/17/2021 07:27:31

guangto66610/17 11:20推 感覺競爭還是好激烈

unmolk10/17 23:00這種發表只投上Cornell跟[email protected]@ 也太競爭

※ 編輯: lyiyuian ( 美國), 10/18/2021 23:02:23

yujungc10/25 12:14恭喜 我也覺得原po應該能上更好的學校 或許有苦衷?

lingon10/29 02:03上UCSC跟Cornell應該不能叫"只",恭喜原PO上了很好的學校

lingon10/29 02:04有很多機會跟資源好好發展