[問題] 請問這是病理報告嗎?

看板Anti-Cancer標題[問題] 請問這是病理報告嗎?作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:2

Surgical pathology Level IV Breast, R’t, excisional biopsy --- Fibrocystic change with microcalcification.
The specimen submitted consisted of 3 small pieces of breast tissue measuringup to 2.4 x 1.8 x 0.7 cm in size, fixed in formalin.
Grossly, they were tan in color and soft in consistence.
Totally embedded for sections.
Microscopically, the sections show pictures of fibrocystic change with microcalcification of the breast tissue.
Follow up.
Tissue sampling : Lxx, xxx-YuResident : Cxxx, Yxxx-yxxx PHS:xxxxx Attending :Su, rxxx-YxPHS:000000
Anatomic pathologist board number:000



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flyingturtle08/06 01:32

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