[問題] 乳癌檢驗報告相關問題
The specimen submitted consists of six tissue fragments measuring up to
0.8x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they are yellow and
elastic. All for one section and labeled as A1;Microscopically, the breast
shows neoplastic tumor cells with hyperchromasia, nuclear pleomorphism and
brisk mitotic figures arranged in solid nested pattern.
Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells show E-cadherin(+) and CK5/6(-).
Immunostain of p63 shows preserved myoepithelial cells around the tumor
nests. Taken together, high grade ductal carcinoma in situ is diagnosed. The
pathologic diagnosis has been discussed and confirmed by Peer Slide Review.
Immunohistochemical Study * ER: Negative (0%) [Leica Biosystems Estrogen
Receptor (Clone 6F11) mouse monoclonal antibody] * PR: Positive (35%, weak tomoderate) [Leica Biosystems Progesterone Receptor (Clone 16) mouse monoclonalantibody
1. 如果我沒有理解錯誤的話,家母應為DCIS,0期的原位癌。
0期原位癌,到底是癌症嗎? 為何又說有檢驗到癌細胞?
2. 0期原位癌,有分等級嗎?這邊看到的是high grade
3. 5年前,家母乳癌一期時,可以看到ER、PR、Her2以及ki67等數值。
性癌,或是開刀取下後有侵襲性癌的機率,high grade的機
Re: [問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?沒有排版看起來太痛苦了 PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor非典型乳突腫瘤 --- Ductal carcinoma in situ原位乳管癌 GROSS FINDING:8
[問題] 求助病理報告翻譯Appendix, laparoscopic appendectomy, grade 2 goblet cell adenocarcinoma Description: The specimen submitted consists of an appendix measuring 5.7 cm in length and 1.5 and 1 cm in maximal and minimal diameter, in fresh state. Grossly, the serosa is moderately congested and coated with fibrinopurulent exudate.On7
Re: [閒聊]乳房疑似原位癌要花兩萬五檢查乳房攝影跟超音波都可以對乳房腫塊的惡性度評估 叫做BIRADS 有興趣可以自己google 如果以上兩種檢查任一種發現是grade IV 以上 建議還是先做粗針切片(core needle biopsy) 如果是grade II 看起來就良性的 才建議直接手術進行腫瘤切除7
Re: [問題] 肺部腫塊切片等待報告中_求幫看報告板上的大家好 今天病理報告已出來,腦、骨皆沒轉移,報告如下,懇請懂得幫忙一下,畢竟離回診日還有 8天,謝謝各位 Lung, upper lobe, right, biopsy, adenocarcinoma.Description:The specimen submitt ed consists of 7 tissue fragments measuring up to 0.4x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed6
Re: [問題] 可否幫忙看一下切片檢查報告後續的病理報告也出來了,不知道有沒有人能幫忙解說一下,謝謝。看起來好像不太樂觀 ? Pancreas, labeled as "P1"; endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle biopsy (EUS FNB): Necrosis (in favor of tumor4
問題 左側液下腫瘤報告不好意思,因要好幾項報告,還是下面的才是切片報告? 9/25 免疫組織化學染色(每一抗體) Lymph node, axillary, left, core needle biopsy, carcinoma, metastatic.Description:The specimen submitted consists of 5 tissue fragments measuring up to 1.2x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they are whitish and soft. All for section after bisection and labeled as A1-A2; Jar: 0 An/SMicroscopically, sections reveal metastatic carcinoma arranged in sheets or nests with desmoplasia in the lymphoid background. Moderately nuclear atypism is found. Marked mitotic figure is noted. The tumor cells show TRPS1(+) by immunostain. Breast origin is favored. IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY The tissue was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. The fixation time of the tissue was longer than 6 hours and shorter than 72 hours.Cold Ischemia Times was less than 1 hour: Yes.Testing platform: Ventana BenchMark Series, Detection system: Ventana Ultraview DAB IHC Detection kitDESCRIPTION1. ESTROGEN RECEPTOR by VENTANA (clone: SP1) monoclonal rabbit anti-human estrogen receptor antibody: negative nuclear staining in invasive tumor cells(Internal control: absent)”No3
[問題] 乳癌一期三陽性,請問是否一定要標靶?各位晚安 家人(70歲)之前被診斷乳癌0期原位癌,進行全乳切除,無淋巴感染 但在原本0期腫瘤中發現0.9公分一期癌, 經檢驗為三陽性(荷爾蒙受體ER、PR呈現陽性,HER2陽性) 醫生建議荷爾蒙or標靶+化療3
Re: [問題] 乳房切片報告我是上篇原作者 因太心慌 誤以為上一篇超音波報告是切片報告 今天健保app切片病理報告出來了 再請前輩幫忙解答,非常謝謝! Breast, left, core needle biopsy, invasive ductal carcinoma. SUMMARY OF MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:2
[問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor --- Ductal carcinoma in situ GROSS FINDING: The specimen fixed in forma lin consists of 3 strips of tissue, measuring 0.6x0.3x0.1 cm. The largest meas ures 0.6x0.1x0.1 cm. All for section in one block. Immunohistochemical stains for CK5, p40, estrogen receptor (ER) are done. (WYC) MICROSCOPIC FINDING: Sect1
[問題] 想要看一下化驗報告乳房切片報告 PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left (L/1/1), excision. (1) Tubular adenoma. (2) Microcalcification. GROSS DESCRIPTION