[情報] 阿聯酋航空18日將飛航台灣一天

看板Aviation標題[情報] 阿聯酋航空18日將飛航台灣一天作者
(ntu dove)
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:5

Emirates is operating limited passenger flights to carry travellers outbound
from the UAE to some destinations.

Current flights are operating from Dubai to: London Heathrow, Frankfurt,
Jakarta (15 April), Manila (15 and 16 April), Taipei (18 April), Chicago (18
April), and Kabul (thrice-weekly from 16 April).



Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand.
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
Yeats "The Stolen Child"


※ PTT留言評論
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ganlinlowmo04/13 18:54月初有來一架77w

j840070304/13 18:58前天有來77W,純載貨

Davidking04/13 20:15阿富汗 想去!

bill12304/13 21:17

圖 阿聯酋航空18日將飛航台灣一天

bill12304/13 21:17看起來是不只一班

bill12304/13 21:22應該是有賣票只有18號的366,其他都純載貨

sinohara04/13 22:12JAL 5月開始松山停飛改飛桃園

yuinghoooo04/14 01:19台灣有飛阿富汗??

Kazamatsuri04/14 01:20應該是說阿聯酋有常態飛阿富汗啦.... XD

lin31504004/14 02:14這班除了台灣人以外是不是都不能搭啊

bockychen72704/14 10:35樓上,只要有入境許可的外籍人士依然能入境

degh04/15 04:13這班包機是多方協調的包機回台

nyrnu04/17 01:39機場報到+中國武漢病毒快篩通過後才能上機

Kazamatsuri04/17 13:10有10分鐘快篩(?)