[情報] Nelson Cruz續任2026經典賽多明尼加GM
BREAKING NEWS: Nelson Cruz will return as GM of the Dominican team in the 2026 World Baseball Classic, per @Satosky24.
擔任多明尼加國家代表隊總管的Nelson Cruz
※ PTT留言評論
[分享] 多明尼加隊總管 上場敲出安打The GM of the Dominican Republic gets a hit : WBC on FS1 影片: --- 守外野影片:23
[情報] 18位多明尼加隊球員不被母隊允許參加經典賽Nelson Cruz, general manager of the Dominican Republic's national team in the 20 23 WBC, said that of the preliminary roster of 50 players, 18 of them have objec tions from their MLB teams to participate in the 2023 World Baseball Classic, pe r @CDN37.18
[情報] Nelson Cruz去教士Veteran slugger Nelson Cruz and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a one-y ear, $1 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Cruz, 42, is entering his 19th seas on and should get ample DH at-bats. He'll also serve as GM of the Dominican Repu blic team in the World Baseball Classic.17
[分享] 多明尼加總統接見 Nelson Cruz 討論WBC多明尼加總統 Luis Abinader 接見2023 WBC GM Nelson Cruz 討論世界棒球經典賽相關議題 Nelson Cruz 表示他和總統也談了國家隊、球員及球迷的情況 --7
[情報] 教士簽下CruzVeteran slugger Nelson Cruz and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on a one-year, $1 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Cruz, 42, is entering his 19th season and should get ample DH at-bats. He'll also serve as GM of the Dominican Republic team in the World Baseball Classic.3
[分享] 影片-叫你GM出來打 多明尼加傳奇球星合力叫你GM出來打 多明尼加傳奇球星合力扣倒以色列| WBC棒球經典賽D組預賽 #WBC世界棒球經典賽D組預賽 #多明尼加 #WBC 叫你GM出來打!!! 多名球星助陣的多明尼加3
[分享] 福岡軟銀鷹曾對Nelson Cruz有興趣根據紐約郵報的內容 Nelson Cruz looks better after offseason eye surgery, and the Padres appear smart to have given a big-league deal to the 42-year-old. Cruz, who may want to play a couple more years, drew interest from the Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks1
[閒聊] Nelson Cruz DFAed教士把WBC多明尼加隊GM給DFA了。 接下來還有哪一隊缺多少還能轟出牆的40多歲DH? --
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