[分享] 法官對球迷喊「我們要Soto」感到不開心

看板Baseball標題[分享] 法官對球迷喊「我們要Soto」感到不開心作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:8



Soto復原得很好,但Grish是個出色的球員,今晚他在我們需要他的關鍵時刻證明了這一點。我對球迷高喊"We want Soto"這件事感到不太開心,但Grisham做了很好的示範,他用全壘打展現他的回應。」

Aaron Judge said he "wasn't too happy" with the fans chanting "We want Soto" tonight. mm

“Grisham works his butt off every single day. Soto is out right now, he’s going to be back soon and he’s been carrying this team all year. Anytime you go up against teams like this, fans pay to come see us do our thing. They want to see the best out there.

"Soto is going to heal up fine, but Grish is a heck of a ballplayer and he showed it tonight in a big moment when we needed him. I wasn’t too happy with it, but I think he made a good point; he got his point across with that homer.”




Dave Roberts didn't hear the Soto chants during Trent Grishman's at-bat tonight

But, he deadpanned postgame, "I guess, in that one moment in time, I would have rather had Soto up to bat."


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Yjizz06/10 14:24隊長很有領導風範

liusim06/10 14:25怎麼有點*61的劇情~

ninaman06/10 14:27We Wang Soto!!!

ultratimes06/10 14:27蘿蔔蔣幹話,有哪支球隊寧可看到Soto,除非是W.Soto

lsb02110706/10 14:32是覺得被Soto幹出去就認了嗎

liusim06/10 14:35蘿蔔那是一個結果論的梗啦

yaes11106/10 14:43確實沒禮貌 不過Grisham好像蠻爽的

Hohenzollern06/10 14:44法官照顧學弟

lafeelbarth06/10 14:48Wang Soto

acapla06/10 14:51其實下個打席觀眾就改喊we want Grisham了

joejoe1475806/10 14:59這球迷素質...

charlie0106/10 15:03Dave Roberts講那話他自己相信嗎?

AHEAD09906/10 15:07他也是因為Soto受傷才上的啊 又不是像Hicks佔著位子擺爛

b9920207106/10 15:15隊長表示叫什麼叫 只剩自己能打的我比誰都還希望他回來

eric76120106/10 15:21別讓法官不開心

tnpaul06/10 15:31法官發言跟某金州不沾鍋完全是兩個極端

sdg23506/10 15:34Wang Soto!

bertrend06/10 16:26ok啦 下個打席就喊回來了

AK5606/10 17:42We want Da Wang

cbj1992a06/10 17:47

cbj1992a06/10 17:471:54 法官:we want who?

wingzero06/10 18:09we wang soto笑死

kenkenken3106/10 19:17這就是一個隊長的氣度