[情報] 紅襪對Gleyber Torres有興趣?
Nov. 10: Red Sox, Yankees could be a fit for a Gleyber Torres trade (report)
According to a report from WEEI's Rob Bradford, the Red Sox have identified Yankees second baseman Gleyber Torres as a trade target. Bradford reports that the Red Sox were interested in Torres at this year's Trade Deadline, and that the two teams could reconnect this offseason.
根據Rob Bradford的報導,紅襪將Gleyber Torres視為交易目標。季中交易期限的時候紅襪就有興趣,兩隊在休賽季也許可以重新討論。
Torres, who is entering his final year before reaching free agency, has been with the Yankees since he was acquired in the 2016 blockbuster trade involving Aroldis Chapman. Torres is a two-time All-Star with a career 118 OPS+ and 123 home runs across six seasons. Torres has hit 24-plus home runs in each of the last two seasons and four times in his career.
A possible player to be sent to the Yankees: Alex Verdugo. Bradford reports that Verdugo is of interest to the Yankees, which makes sense given that general manager Brian Cashman recently said that they're looking for two outfielders who are preferably left-handed. Like Torres, Verdugo is entering his last year of control before he hits free agency. Verdugo owns a career 105 OPS+ with 57 home runs.
可能的交易人選:Alex Verdugo
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 11/11/2023 09:27:47
基襪上次交易是哪一年?同區交易少 基襪交易更少..!?
沒這麼久 今年就交易過了
前年Adam Ottavino
官網有整理 今年有一次小交易 過去20年總共3次
紅襪要再貼吧 托天子價值還是比較高
這兩個比起來 托天子更香一點欸
verdugo就很普通的of 也想換我大天子
明星二壘手vs 平凡角落外野 不可能單換吧
Torres價值好多了 二壘炮今年沒幾個
如果洋基想省錢也不是不行 不過DJ2壘 誰3壘?
幹嘛換 傻了
拖天子搭配故事哥 這畫面不敢想
[情報] 丟Verdugo的基迷被MLB永ban先還原昨天事發經過 1.局間守備練習結束時Verdugo試圖將球丟給某個襪迷 2.該襪迷附近的基迷搶到了球 3.周遭的基迷開始鼓譟並慫恿他丟回場內 4.他受不了壓力丟回去結果丟到Verdugo背上49
[外電] 2010s 十大交易案 part 52010s 十大交易案第五集,翻譯Mike Petriello的外電。 來源: 5) The Cubs solidify their curse-breaking team July 25, 2016: Yankees trade P Aroldis Chapman to Cubs for IF Gleyber Torres, P Adam Warren, OF Billy McKinney and OF Rashad Crawford28
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[情報] Adam Ottavino to Red SoxSource: The Yankees have traded Adam Ottavino to the Red Sox. Prospect going to the #RedSox from the #Yankees is Frank German The Yankees will send $850K to the Red Sox in the trade, per source. So Boston will be on the hook for $8.15 million to Ottavino. Yankees get back a player to be named later or cash considerations for Ottavino/German.11
[炸裂] Gleyber Torres我基托天子Gleyber Torres 4局下半炸裂一發兩分炮也是賽季第三支全壘打 苦主紅襪先發投手Eduardo Rodriguez 目前洋基2:0領先紅襪 --8
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[炸裂] Gleyber Torres炸裂生涯百轟達成3局下半我基托天子Gleyber Torres炸裂一支右外野陽春炮 本季第二轟出爐也是生涯第100轟 苦主費城人先發投手Taijuan Walker 目前洋基3:0領先費城人 --6
[情報] Alex Verdugo 背部疲勞性骨折Red Sox's Alex Verdugo: Diagnosed with stress fracture Verdugo is dealing with a stress fracture in his back as the Red Sox begin spring training and might not be ready for Opening Day, Chris Cotillo of The Springfield Republican reports. Verdugo was forced to miss the final two months of the 2019 season, and the3
[炸裂] Gleyber TorresGleyber Torres炸裂 本季第11轟 被封鎖三局的死屍打線 終於在第二輪首棒的天子打出本場首安 洋基1:0領先紅襪
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