[情報] 達比修有明日取消登板投球

看板Baseball標題[情報] 達比修有明日取消登板投球作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:3

June 29: RHP Yu Darvish (illness) pushed back from Cincinnati opener
Darvish, who is recovering from an illness, will not start Friday at
Cincinnati as planned. Right-hander Seth Lugo will take his place. The Padresplan for Darvish to throw a bullpen session on Friday, then pitch Sunday’s
finale against the Reds if his side session goes well. Darvish was initially
scratched from his scheduled start on Tuesday in Pittsburgh.

達比修有原訂明天先發投球來對決紅人隊,後來改由Seth Lugo頂替他先發


7/3-7/5 天使對決教士,達比修有能不能對決大谷翔平還是未知數


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apple833506/30 14:39沒有

WunnihhgeCCa06/30 14:40明天沒有

choobii06/30 14:40不會續約6年第一年就不行了吧

nekomai06/30 14:40感覺有在故意調整?

FatZhai01706/30 14:40DNP:too old

if206/30 14:42再度沒有

Axwell06/30 14:48大谷改投球時間達爾也變 這麼巧

killua020906/30 14:49要是改7/2,應該就對不到大谷了吧?

killua020906/30 14:50大谷投球時間目前還不確定會不會變

lunlee121406/30 15:34直接變沒有

cpcpao06/30 15:39問就是沒有

tsujishiori07/01 00:02明天又沒有了