[情報] 大聯盟要賣投球計時器補丁廣告了

看板Baseball標題[情報] 大聯盟要賣投球計時器補丁廣告了作者
時間推噓38 推:38 噓:0 →:25

Major League Baseball is ready to start fielding sponsorship bids for one of the most popular sports innovations in years: the pitch clock.



Baseball could reap tens of millions in new sponsorship fees by allowing a global marketer such as Timex, Omega, or Rolex to attach its brand to the new “pitch timer,” which is shortening games by a half-hour this season.


An MLB-wide sponsorship with a watchmaker or technology company would be worth $10 million or more a year, estimated Bob Dorfman, a sports marketing analyst atPinnacle Advertising.

That’s worth eight figures or more,” he said, especially if the sponsor’s b
rand is standardized and visible behind the batter.


MLB’s 30 teams could also sell local pitch clock sponsorship for millions apiece.


“I would think any time-related company would jump on it. Particularly this season. It’s got so much attention. It’s successful, “ Dorman said. “Everybody
seems to be loving it. Any watch- or time-related company would jump all over it. Even TIME magazine.”

時間相關的產業可能會有興趣 EX,鐘錶業



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zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB

04/07 00:37

jason05011704/07 00:38倒數計時應該能玩很多梗吧

cobras63804/07 00:38這也能賣

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 00:38:55

mschien829504/07 00:39賺爛了

cocojohn11104/07 00:40這才是弄新規則的主要目的好嗎

rt3648yth04/07 00:40Rolex Tageheuer Seiko可以考慮

YuiiAnitima04/07 00:40想想還滿正常的 賺錢的機會不會放過

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 00:41:51

rainy031204/07 00:47網球的一直都有啊

dimand04/07 00:47職業運動就是能賺就賺

Chanlin0104/07 00:48水餃嫂

a168411404/07 00:48好猛 這也能賣

Vincent802604/07 00:49直接外環框一個超大居夏克上去

wpd04/07 00:50鐘錶業平常不買廣告 有計時器就會突然覺得自己連結上去了???

鐘錶業有在買體育廣告的啊 Global watch brands have long sponsored sports, teams and leagues. Timex and the UFC announced a global sponsorship/licensing deal in late 2021. Ro lex serves as the “official timekeeper” of the United States Golf Association and championships. Timex’ long-running “Takes a Licking and Keeps On Ticking” campaign aired for years on the Super Bowl.

ELF00704/07 00:50網球靠這個不知道賺多久了 老費跟蠻牛每次打完頒獎前弄錶

ELF00704/07 00:50也都弄超久

s1210847804/07 00:52網球跟F1只要看到時間必然有商標在上面,習慣了

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 00:52:16

wpd04/07 00:53我說的是MLB.......


rt3648yth04/07 00:53鐘錶有啊 足球補時板跟籃球shotclock也都有鐘錶贊助

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 00:54:36

medioca04/07 00:54會不會是美國牌鐘錶呢

rt3648yth04/07 00:55MLB可是大商機欸 好歹也是世界營收前五的運動聯盟

rt3648yth04/07 00:55有贊助機會廠商鐵定會搶著來貼

wpd04/07 00:57邏輯就是一堆商人跟球場沒連結照樣買廣告啊

wpd04/07 00:58而鐘錶業的這麼在意要有計時器才來買??

好吧 那可能之後也不會是鐘錶業買

rt3648yth04/07 00:58台灣證交所都會買MLB本後廣告惹

rt3648yth04/07 00:58可能有只是平時不會注意

rt3648yth04/07 00:59這種投球時鐘大概會讓1間廠商包下全聯盟

diabolica04/07 01:00賺爛了 賺爛了

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 01:04:07

rt3648yth04/07 01:06突然想到之前看MLBTV好像有看過卡西歐的小廣告

rt3648yth04/07 01:06感覺卡西歐會來搶這缺

jimmylily04/07 01:21大谷都代言Seiko了,這個機會蠻好的

jimmylily04/07 01:22

sfw019904/07 01:33賺爛了

lyt556604/07 01:43這也能w

taiwanstrike04/07 01:45經常贊助賽車計時的要來了 ROLEX TAG HEUER TISSOT

Crios04/07 01:48缺錢嗎?那我們來弄個新規則吧 賺

york3060904/07 01:50連F1車手的手套都會印假錶居然還有人說鐘錶業者不買廣

york3060904/07 01:50告…..

Vincent802604/07 01:53MLB要吸引奢侈品牌來可能難一點

Vincent802604/07 01:53但是智慧表就滿適合的

NowQmmmmmmmm04/07 02:31勞力士都嘛壟斷網球的計時器廣告

zeus766804/07 02:31無法skip

circus122804/07 03:22世界怎麼跟得上台灣

russellluo04/07 04:15職業運動本質就是商業行為

WeAntiTVBS04/07 04:40寶島鐘錶來一下

WeAntiTVBS04/07 04:41A:へ你這投球計數器哪買的 B:寶島買的 A嚇得說不出話

donkilu04/07 05:41NBA的shot clock是Tissot贊助的

jeyun04/07 06:06天使可以貼日清泡麵,大谷投10球泡麵就可以吃了

mstar04/07 06:50一直很好奇,證券交易所的廣告是真的放在美國球場,

mstar04/07 06:50還是依照轉播地方有不同廣告?

WeAntiTVBS04/07 07:11就本壘後方有個綠幕 各國轉播單位在套上對應的字卡濾

WeAntiTVBS04/07 07:12鏡,you got it!

how87092704/07 07:14Casio買過洋基球場外野的廣告

psalmian04/07 07:41想起網球賽的勞力士...棒球會是誰的

cyp00104/07 07:52娘家大紅麴又領先全球了

JER272504/07 08:41職業運動賣廣告有什麼不對

lovinlover04/07 08:43印象中網球最早只顯示比賽用時勞力士就在了

WiLLSTW04/07 09:14感覺Seiko Casio會很有興趣

shifa04/07 10:37F1也常常看到鐘錶品牌露出

kixer200504/07 10:47可以賣身後契約 龍巖準備好了

a956420804/07 10:56這就是為什麼護牆要用綠色(並沒有

s2222913004/07 10:59想看大聯盟的Rolex廣告XD

AhCheng04/07 11:06賺爛了賺爛了

joe053104/07 11:49Grand Seiko可以準備投標囉

springmo04/07 11:56

圖 大聯盟要賣投球計時器補丁廣告了