[情報] Klutch Sports Group進軍MLB
Klutch Sports Group, the agency run by Rich Paul that represents LeBron Jamesand Jalen Hurts, is expanding to Major League Baseball after acquiring Rep 1,whose roster includes Red Sox star Rafael Devers, All-Star closer Devin
Williams and Platinum Glove winner Andrés Giménez.
Rich Paul所領導、旗下有LeBron James與Jalen Hurts的經紀團隊Klutch Sports Group擴展業務至MLB。他們收購了Rep 1經紀公司而該公司現在旗下的有紅襪球星Rafael Devers、全明星終結者Devin Williams與白金手套獎得主Andres Gimenez。
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Fw: [情報] LBJ跟湖人提前續約作者: dragon803 (好想去露營啊~) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] LBJ跟湖人提前續約 時間: Thu Dec 3 01:48:24 2020 Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James has agreed to a two-year, $85 million max imum contract extension with the franchise, CEO of Klutch Sports, Rich Paul, t爆
[情報]Lebron 將改穿23號LeBron James will change his uniform from No. 6 to No. 23 next season. “It’s LeBron’s decision,” Rich Paul of Klutch Sports Group told ESPN. “He chose to out of respect for Bill Russell.” The NBA retired No. 6 league-wide last A ugust; James wore it a final season to honor Russell Lebron 將穿回23號,富保說這是Lebron自己決定的,表達給指環王的尊重35
[情報] 美國法院駁回Nerlens Noel控告Rich Paul案消息來源: 內容: Pistons center Nerlens Noel had his lawsuit against agent Rich Paul and Klutch Sports Group dismissed Tuesday. In her ruling, Dallas-based district court judge Jane J. Boyle sent the case to the NBPA’s arbitration system to27
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[情報] Mitchell 和 Allonzo 更換經紀人為富保羅Allonzo Trier has also signed with Rich Paul it Klutch Sports Group, sources confirm. First reported by Yahoo. Mitchell Robinson has signed with agent Rich Paul of Klutch Sports Group, per SNY sources.11
[情報] Trae Young考慮加入經紀公司Klutch Sports消息來源: Report: Hawks' Trae Young Leaving Agency; Rich Paul's Klutch Sports a Top Option 由於Trae Young的經紀人Omar Wilkes轉往Klutch Sports任職,負責處理籃球相關的事務 至於Rich Paul則是專注在CEO的職務上,持續把業務擴展至美式足球跟棒球10
[分享] 富保羅Rich Paul旗下棒球選手富保羅在隔壁棚應該沒人不認識吧xd 然後剛剛發現MLB trade rumors有一個經紀人資料庫 能查詢每個經紀公司旗下球員 然後我就把富保羅的Klutch Sports丟去查 就查到他目前旗下有四位棒球選手11
[閒聊] 富保羅Rich Paul旗下MLB球員富保羅在隔壁棚應該沒人不認識吧xd 然後剛剛發現MLB trade rumors有一個經紀人資料庫 能查詢每個經紀公司旗下球員 然後我就把富保羅的Klutch Sports丟去查 就查到他目前旗下有四位棒球選手2
[分享] 富保羅做事啦Klutch Sports Group, the agency run by Rich Paul that represents LeBron James and Jalen Hurts, is expanding to MLB after acquiring Rep 1's baseball division , whose roster includes Red Sox star Rafael Devers, All-Star closer Devin Williams and Platinum Glove winner Andrés Giménez.