[情報] Alex Cora:吉田今年會回去守外野
Alex Cora says that Masataka Yoshida will play in the outfield again this season.
紅襪總教練Alex Cora 表示今年吉田正尚有機會回去守外野了
Alex Cora said there's a possibility Masataka Yoshida will play in the outfield next season.
Cora told reporters at Fenway Fest that Yoshida's shoulder injury was a big reason he DH'd. Yoshida is recovering from shoulder surgery that he had at the end of the regular season.
2023 140 580 .289 .338 .445 15 109 1.4
2024 108 421 .280 .349 .415 10 112 1.4
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[分享] 柯拉:是想拼安打才讓張育成點的補充一下NESN的報導 節錄 Why? Well, the call from the dugout wasn’t what it seemed, as Boston manager Al ex Cora revealed to reporters postgame that the play called for Chang to try and bunt for a hit.48
[情報] Cora解釋吉田正尚為何連續三場沒先發吉田在開轟後已經連續第三場未先發,記者也不斷在詢問他現在的狀況 --- Cora insistent that Yoshida is the everyday DH and they just had to use O’Neill and Devers in that spot the last couple days.20
[情報] 吉田正尚右肩受傷 季後可能需要動手術Masataka Yoshida may need offseason surgery for his right shoulder, according to @masashicarlos. 根據記者消息,吉田的右肩可能需要動手術 目前還沒公開傷勢的狀況,過幾天會去照MRI13
[分享] 紅襪願意聽取Alex Verdugo的報價來源: SAN FRANCISCO — The Red Sox have expressed to other clubs that they’re willing to listen to offers for outfielder Alex Verdugo ahead of Tuesday’s trade deadl ine, multiple sources told MassLive. A source with another American League team confirmed the Sox inquired as to whether Verdugo would be of interest to them.14
[分享] Cora:不會讓吉田正尚去守外野大概是因為今天吉田正尚坐板凳所以又有記者問了 Cora made it clear they won't use Yoshida in the outfield. He'll be out of the l ineup again tomorrow with Devers DH'ing. 柯拉明確表示紅襪不打算讓吉田防守外野,而且由於Devers要打DH,明天吉田還是不會先發9
[情報] 紅襪執行Alex Cora合約的選擇權Red Sox announce they have exercise the 2023 and ‘24 options on manager Alex Co ra’s contract. 球團宣布執行Alex Cora在2023年跟2024年的選擇權 這個時間點就決定執行,紅襪高層真的很滿意Cora的帶隊成績10
[情報] 吉田正尚 預期將擔任紅襪隊開路先鋒Alex Cora wouldn't reveal his whole lineup Tuesday but did say he wants Masataka Yoshida and Rafael Devers separated. Expect Yoshida to lead off, with a righty second before Devers in the No. 3 spot. 如題,柯拉沒透露完整的打線安排,不過他說不想讓吉田跟Devers兩個左打連在一起,預期9
Re: [問題] 吉田正尚是怎麼拿到大約的?去年年初的熱門話題,討論吉田正尚的合約是否太盤, 附上FG 2024的預估數字,將2023年初的預估數字加上實際成績放一起對照 ※ 引述《alex710707 (alex)》之銘言: : 推 lookers: 先問看看為什麼預測系統長那樣 04/25 12: 2010
[分享] 吉田正尚今年目標:把球打得更強勁Yoshida says that his main offensive goal this season is hitting the baseball ha rder, he can’t control the outcome but hard contact usually gives you good resu lts. 如題,吉田說今年的主要目標是把球打得更強勁,他沒辦法控制結果但這麼做通常都能帶來1
Re: [情報] 吉田正尚的神秘傷勢(確定不需開刀)檢查結果出爐,吉田的拇指不用動手術,但至少未來數週內不能揮棒 Red Sox designated hitter Masataka Yoshida won't need surgery on his thumb, but won't swing a bat for at least several weeks. 報導:
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