[情報] Jeffrey Springs 去運動家
The A's are finalizing a trade to acquire left-hander Jeffrey Springs from the Tampa Bay Rays, sources tell ESPN.
運動家跟光芒交易獲得左投手 Jeffrey Springs 以及另外一名球員,光芒獲得兩名右投Joe Boyle 以及 Jacob Watters,加上一名外野手Will Simpson,和一個補償選秀權 。
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搬到拉斯維加斯 出手也跟著闊氣了
※ 編輯: jwptt ( 臺灣), 12/15/2024 01:42:17
薪資部分是還要再往上填一些 至少總薪資要過100M吧
搬家後心情也變好了 開始採買
美國火腿 搬家後都開始當買家了
[情報] Brent Honeywell to AthleticsRight-hander Brent Honeywell is headed to the Oakland A's in a trade from the Tampa Bay Rays, sources tell ESPN. 光芒把右投手Brent Honeywell交易到運動家 No A’s players are headed to Tampa Bay in the trade, I’m told. Just cash.15
[討論] Jeffrey Springs 無安打比賽挑戰中目前第6局上半結束 光芒1:0領先老虎 光芒投手Jeffrey Springs 6局0安打12次三振 只在第2局投出1個保送 6局投完花了81球 有機會無安打比賽嗎16
[情報] Jeffrey Springs 將接受Tommy John手術Jeffrey Springs is expected to have Tommy John surgery, and will be out until 2024 per @TBTimes_Rays. 日前傷退的光芒隊先發左投手 Jeffrey Springs 預計將會接受Tommy John手術14
[專欄] 光芒投手再生工廠傑作之一 Jeffrey Spr原文連結: Jeffrey Springs,在生涯初期名不見經傳的投手,在2015年選秀會第30輪才被遊騎兵隊選 進,從一紙1000美元簽約金展開職業生涯,卻在30歲簽下3100萬美元合約,也讓光芒投手再 生工廠再添佳作。8
[情報] Yandy Diaz將與光芒簽三年2400萬延長合約來源: Tampa Bay Rays 'are finalizing a three-year, $24m contract extension with star third baseman Yandy Diaz', as team continues to splash the cash - days after tying down Jeffrey Springs and Pete Fairbanks to multi-year deals 光芒隊準備續約陣中主力三壘手 Yandy Diaz8
[情報] Jeffrey Springs 受傷至少缺席2個月Rays starter Jeffrey Springs is expected to be out a minimum of two months after suffering an arm/elbow injury, per @TBTimes_Rays 今年開季三次先發,16局只掉1分的 Jeffrey Springs,昨天傷退後6
[情報] 兩筆光芒交易Full trade: #Rays send prospect C Ronaldo Hernandez and minor-league INF Nick Sogard to #RedSox for Ps Jeffrey Springs and Chris Mazza. @alexspeier also on it Marlins acquiring RHP John Curtiss from Rays for 1B Evan Edwards, sources6
[情報] Rays extend Jeffrey Springs 4yr/31MJeffrey Springs and the Rays have agreed to a four-year, $31 million extension , per source. Springs will earn $4M in 2023, $5,25M in 2024, $10.5M in 2025 an d $10.5M in 2026. There's a $15M club option for 2027 with a $750K buyout. @TB Times_Rays and @Joelsherman1 were on it.6
[情報] 光芒和Jeffrey Springs簽下4yr/31M延長Jeffrey Springs and the Rays have agreed to a four-year, $31 million extension , per source. Springs will earn $4M in 2023, $5,25M in 2024, $10.5M in 2025 an d $10.5M in 2026. There's a $15M club option for 2027 with a $750K buyout. @TB Times_Rays and @Joelsherman1 were on it.- 老虎打光芒 本季第一個No-No亮燈 Jeffrey Springs 81p 12SO 還有三局,能不能達成呢? --
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