[情報] 前紅襪總裁預計以70M賣掉紅襪3A球隊
Larry Lucchino is looking to sell the Worcester Red Sox and retire, per @MikeSilvermanBB.
The team could sell for close to $70M or more.
紅襪退休的前總裁Larry Lucchino(78歲)



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[情報] 吉田正尚去紅襪The Red Sox are in agreement with Japanese outfielder Masataka Yoshida, report s Jeff Passan of ESPN (Twitter link). The NPB star was made available via the posting system just last week. 預計簽下90M/5Y的合約 紅襪還要給歐力士15.4M的入札金 哇 這個評價是超級好吧32
[閒聊] 紅襪開季三連敗後九連勝創紀錄Per the Sox: The Red Sox are the first team in MLB history to begin a season with a losing st reak of 3+ games and immediately follow it with a winning streak of 9+ games. 來源: 紅襪成為大聯盟史上第一支開季連輸3場以上後又連贏9場以上的球隊27
[情報] 紅襪/巨人開始徵求交易報價Jon Heyman: Red Sox are now listening on veterans. Maybe not a committed seller yet but they are seriously considering it. JD Martinez, Nate Eovaldi, Christian Vazquez all free agents to be and22
[討論] 富邦為何無法複製洋基的邪惡帝國模式?洋基之所以被稱作邪惡帝國 參考一些文章 主因大致為母企業資金雄厚 花大把鈔票搶球星 從來不手軟 隊上球星雲集21
[外電] 紅襪偷暗號事件 Kinsler:不會發現甚麼的來源: MASSlive.com 網址: Red Sox sign stealing scandal: Ian Kinsler says investigation ‘won’t find anything substantial,’ Boston just had ‘very good system of relaying from second base to home plate’13
[分享] 紅襪願意聽取Alex Verdugo的報價來源: SAN FRANCISCO — The Red Sox have expressed to other clubs that they’re willing to listen to offers for outfielder Alex Verdugo ahead of Tuesday’s trade deadl ine, multiple sources told MassLive. A source with another American League team confirmed the Sox inquired as to whether Verdugo would be of interest to them.4
[分享] 張育成同意回紅襪3A好像還沒有人po 根據美國媒體《masslive》消息,台灣「國防部長」張育成,遭紅襪隊指定讓渡(DFA)3天 後,今天最新消息指出,張育成同意續留紅襪系統,將加入小聯盟3A的Worcester Red Sox 。 張育成將轉往紅襪系統的3A球隊,未來幾天將隨隊進行比賽訓練,報導中指出,張育成的命