[炸裂] Namoh Iyang Grand Slam [OP]
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[分享] Namoh Iyang - IG貼文@namoh_iyang 歷史性的一刻~終於~~ #朱祥麟69
[情報] 四大滿貫賽將都採用搶十剛剛看到溫網發新聞稿 On behalf of the Australian Open, Roland-Garros, Wimbledon and the US Open, the Grand Slam Board are pleased to announce the joint decision to play a 10-point t ie-break at all Grand Slams, to be played when the score reaches six games all i62
[情報] Djokovic大滿貫知識考剛看到ATP官網做了個Djokovic大滿貫知識考 共八題 每題15秒作答時間 Can You Pass The Novak Djokovic Grand Slam Challenge?30
[炸裂] 姚雨翔 滿貫炮統二 姚雨翔 在滿壘的狀態下 面對 倪福德 一棒擊出 Grand Slam 幫助統二 19:6 領先邦二 真的期待他24
[轉播] 一上 高國麟 富邦1:0統一施子謙NP:15球 第5棒:高國麟 本日打席: ◆ 高國輝 0 out20
Re: [炸裂] Daniel Camarena GSDaniel Camarena is the 2nd player in Padres history with a grand slam as pitcher, joining Mike Corkins, on Sept. 4, 1970 Daniel Camarena是繼Mike Corkins之後教士隊史第二位以投手身分擊出滿貫砲的選手 Daniel Camarena is the first relief pitcher to hit a grand slam since Don20
[情報] 味全龍FB 球員姓名、背號異動新改變新氣象 幫大家整理龍將們在姓名跟背號上的改變 還有換號碼的原因 2022球季請繼續幫龍將們加油 姓名異動10
[分享]【專訪職棒選手朱祥麟】貝塔來學應援舞啦~【採訪職棒選手朱祥麟】貝塔來學棒球應援舞啦~順便傳授好吃魔法 訪問、跳舞、唱歌,好充實唷 感謝@拿莫伊漾 Namoh Iyang 接受貝塔訪問 11月20、21貝 塔也會擔任啦啦隊在天母棒球場登上大螢幕唷 難得有台V去專訪中職選手9
[分享] LeMahieu的滿貫砲只有洋基球場能過牆At 341 feet, DJ LeMahieu's Grand Slam would have only been a home run in 1 MLB ballpark -- Yankee Stadium. Teams are 29-3 this season when hitting a grand slam. DJLM剛剛打的反方向滿貫砲只有341 feet