[分享] MLB 邀請拜登下球季開季開球

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時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:8

Nationals invite Joe Biden to throw first pitch on Opening Day, something
Donald Trump never did

MLB 邀請拜登下球季開季開球 (一件川普從來沒做過的事)

The 2020 presidential election has been called and former vice president Joe
Biden is set to move into the White House in January.

It didn’t take long for the local baseball team to come a-calling.

As Biden delivered his victory speech on Saturday night, the Washington
Nationals posted an invitation for Biden to throw out the first pitch at
Opening Day of the 2021 season.

The latter part of the Nationals’ statement, in which the team said it’s “
excited to continue the long-standing tradition of sitting Presidents
throwing out the first pitch,” might be the juicier part of the message, as
it’s hard to ignore who interrupted that tradition.

MLB 很開心又回到總統開球這個傳統 , 儘管這傳統被中斷了一陣子.

Donald Trump never threw out an MLB first pitch as president
With President Donald Trump’s time in the White House poised to end in
January, he will become just the second president to not throw out a first
pitch at an MLB game since Howard Taft started the tradition in 1910. The
other was Jimmy Carter.

That’s a bit of a surprise given that Trump is a self-described “great
baseball fan,” and it may not have been for lack of trying on both sides.

Trump’s team was reported to be looking into a first pitch at Nationals Park
all the way back in 2017, but the White House later turned the team down
citing a scheduling issue. Earlier this year, Trump essentially invited
himself to throw one by announcing he had accepted an invitation from the NewYork Yankees, which was reportedly a surprise for the New York Yankees. That
first pitch never materialized, and The New York Times later reported Trump
only announced he’d throw it after watching Dr. Anthony Fauci receiving
attention for throwing one.

There was also the time in 2019 when Trump attended Game 5 of the World
Series at Nationals Park, but did not throw the first pitch out of security
and logistical concerns. He instead watched Trump critic Jose Andres throw
the first pitch, then got loudly booed when the Nationals showed him on the
big screen.

Trump did throw first pitches before becoming president, perhaps most notablywhen he landed a helicopter at center field before taking the mound at a
minor league game.

值得一提的是 , 川普事實上有開過球 , 但是在擔任美國總統之前.

浮誇的是他當時為小聯盟開球 , 是以直升機煞氣地登場的.


標題 [情報] Luka Doncic會參加NBA選秀會

dicklkk : 終究是個白人,沒搞頭03/31 13:17


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q34711/08 12:00華盛頓國民沒有找他?

arthurhsu12311/08 12:01川普開球影片網路上都還找的到啊

bnb8922511/08 12:01舒服

neverending11/08 12:01看來拜登出場不用戰鬥機是不行的了

a2764753511/08 12:08老人危險

polanco11/08 12:09川普不是說自己贏了嗎?大聯盟找落選人開球?

saiulbb11/08 12:11大聯盟官方不要這麼快確定押寶好嗎 法律野球翻盤非不可能

XZXie11/08 12:13會有球員單膝下跪嗎

njnjy11/08 12:13拜登不知道是哪隊球迷

a215670011/08 12:14

圖 MLB 邀請拜登下球季開季開球

attdave11/08 12:23我川官司還沒打,這些人在急什麼

PeterHenson11/08 12:28沒記錯的話 川普是基迷

robin31311/08 12:36敗登要人攙扶著上投手丘

Shiki201411/08 12:43登上投手丘說不定就忘記要幹嗎了…

ludoren11/08 12:56拜登不曉得有沒有在看棒球?

ludoren11/08 12:56搞不好上投手丘開球往二壘投

n6120811/08 13:05川是基迷啊,很常看球

n6120811/08 13:05王建民地鐵大戰川也看過

chihchingho11/08 13:10川要拿亞軍了

DreamerSun11/08 13:26政治正確

DreamerSun11/08 13:26跟007找黑人女演員一樣

pp27t9911/08 13:30拜登加油 中美台友好

ghostdeityj11/08 13:44他會記得嗎?

sppray11/08 13:48華盛頓,藍到發黑當然歡迎,不要像歐巴馬白目穿白襪外套去

sppray11/08 13:48開球就好。

linmath11/08 14:03直升機登場是在上空垂降下來嗎XD

ahahahahah11/08 15:05為啥他們不邀川普開球