[情報] MLB每場將採強制檢查是否抹油

看板Baseball標題[情報] MLB每場將採強制檢查是否抹油作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:12

The MLB memo is expected out momentarily to lay out the crackdown on sticky stuff. Umps will check pitchers coming off the mound/out of the game so not to delay game. It’s really enforcement of an existing rule that calls for 10 game banstho there’s precedent for slightly fewer.

MLB: Major League Baseball provided guidance to all 30 Clubs today that, effective with games beginning on June 21st, enhanced enforcement of Official Baseball Rules 3.01 and 6.02(c) and (d), which prohibit applying foreign substances to baseballs, will go into effect.

From MLB release: Starting pitchers will have more than one mandatory check per game, and each relief pitcher must be checked either at the conclusion of the inning in which he entered the game or when he is removed from the game, whichever occurs first.



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nastycurry06/16 00:47想抹的趁這禮拜趕快抹一抹

qazse00006/16 00:48怎麼檢查 脫光嗎?

gene5160406/16 00:49投手成績太好 只好做事了

Joyeeee06/16 00:49承認很難

DFTT06/16 00:49噁心變化球bye bye

cloud24106/16 00:50轉速驟減的人就尷尬了

y80012215506/16 00:50主審隨機叫捕手交球出來查驗不就好了

zxcc7906/16 00:55渡久地:你們好煩哦

shonbig06/16 00:56不是說要縮短比賽時間還這樣搞

sdiaa06/16 00:58捕手有膠是可以的~

Yjizz06/16 01:01看來只能抹腳底了

sg198706/16 01:04全部換華櫻990就好了吧

tsujishiori06/16 01:13順便檢查身上有沒有會震動的東西

bingreen06/16 01:23可以!再來是打擊戰了嗎?

Friedman06/16 01:47讚啦!抹油仔和嗑藥仔一起下去吧!

windletterz06/16 01:54讚喔,比賽時間又要變長了,門票cp值up

polanco06/16 01:57加油

Hsu102506/16 02:05看看誰會退步

kkjjkkjj06/16 02:17承認投手進步很難?

alwaysstrong06/16 02:24檢查很簡單 換球時看一下就好 除非你調出只沾手不沾

alwaysstrong06/16 02:24球的黏性物質

LaserLi06/16 02:25檢查這個應該不會太久吧

kkjjkkjj06/16 02:25打者有飛球革命,投手有材料科學革命

saturday556606/16 02:53-300轉

saturday556606/16 02:53抹油仔乾脆全躲進傷病名單

wayne599206/16 03:20鄧愷威真的有夠衰的

wayne599206/16 03:20結果被鄉民噴爆

sylviehsiang06/16 03:36我猜改天就抹可樂了

FuYen06/16 04:05球有油不是證據 因為打者球棒也會用

ctes94000806/16 05:08太空人:笑死

forgiveus06/16 06:54誰會把油塗在球棒的擊球點附近

max260406/16 07:16看能維持多久

zxz15520606/16 10:45太空人:耶嘿抓不到我~