[情報] Barry Bonds:希望洋基不要簽法官啊

看板Baseball標題[情報] Barry Bonds:希望洋基不要簽法官啊作者
時間推噓31 推:31 噓:0 →:7

I hope he signs here,” Bonds said. “Can it happen? I don’t know. It depends
on what the Yankee payroll is. But we would love to have him, I’ll tell you that.”



“We in the Bay Area—he’s a Bay Area boy—we hope they don’t sign him, and we
can get him,” Bonds said. “I would. He’s that good.”


Judge was a big Bonds and Giants fans, telling the San Francisco Chronicle in arecent interview that Bonds was the greatest hitter of all time, “in my opinion.”


Bonds could very easily have landed with the Yankees when he left the Pittsburgh Pirates as a free agent after the 1992 season. The club made a massive offer to Bonds, giving him a deadline of several hours to decide.

Bonds recalled being upset about that deadline and walked out of his agent’s Beverly Hills office. The deadline passed, and by that time the Giants made theiroffer.





Bonds signed for chump change compared to the money that will be on the table now: six years, $43.75 million ($91.83 million in today’s dollars). According torecords kept by Baseball Reference, Bonds earned $188.3 million in his 22-year career, less than what the Yanks already offered Judge, who is 30.



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JoeGibsonJr09/23 19:54我偶像都叫我去巨人了

Puye09/23 19:54別多說 運鈔車先開出來

axion601209/23 19:55#從小就是巨人迷

bmwnyy87091509/23 19:55抬價都先看洋基

sshwann09/23 19:55巨人運鈔車準備

Orlittle09/23 19:55$$$$$

ohmyya09/23 19:56運鈔車不夠看了 要印鈔廠

jim1244109/23 19:56巨人球場球不好飛出去

RodrigueZ81009/23 19:57藥仔B嘴 不要用偶像光環拐人走QQ

hyjoly09/23 19:58巨人要簽等3年後吧

wayne599209/23 19:59翻譯:巨人球場需要另一個可以球幹到海裡的

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/23/2022 20:00:10

SlamKai09/23 20:01巨人要砸錢了嗎

makotohsia09/23 20:03家鄉+前後任HR King,穩了,開市的第一秒鐘就開約邀

makotohsia09/23 20:03

ckpioneer09/23 20:03想看大谷法官一起去巨人

CrossroadMEI09/23 20:04難怪法官會挺73 抓到了!要被聖人堂列拒絕戶了

rondo041709/23 20:04轉了就支持巨人><

sindarin09/23 20:05Zaidi省錢這麼久 該簽一筆大的了吧

ohmyya09/23 20:06法官去投手球場喔

amos3062709/23 20:08在洋基那個小球場刷數據爽多了

takamiku09/23 20:09法官不知道有沒有過扛出去到外海過

HONYLO09/23 20:10巨人也是大市場球隊,雖然和洋基比還是有差距

y80012215509/23 20:14 來首 bay boy

MrHeat09/23 20:15要尻到海裡..... 簽大王吧

dk97135509/23 20:20巨人球場不好尻喔

s31021309/23 20:286年4000多萬放在現在看有夠俗!

NSYSUheng09/23 20:28難怪當初法官直接說73轟才是紀錄

cool3409/23 20:32Bonds為何不能發言? XD 他一定希望法官加入巨人的啊

andy05509709/23 20:34巨人在關注Hicks

etop09/23 20:37洋基開金庫給法官驗貨

jt0711t2309/23 20:45法官到舊金山大概會少20轟

MK4709/23 21:07灣boy

mightymouse09/23 21:10巨人球場對於想累積生涯數據的打者不利

yaes11109/23 21:11棒子爺當年的成績拿到現在 一年應該至少4500-5000

ypw09/23 21:13左外野能先改成我基右外野314FT再看看囉

ainge09/23 21:52改全壘打牆了啊!

slamblock1509/23 22:02艾倫當然是加盟巨人

eon409/23 23:15樓上有梗XD