[閒聊] 我以為道奇對Scott有興趣是說說而已
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[分享] 大聯盟推特-道奇交易大限前的關鍵交易在道奇昨天奪下2024世界大賽冠軍後 大聯盟推特提到了道奇今年七月底交易大限前 做出的關鍵交易得到了Kiermaier、Edman、Kopech、Flaherty 這四名球員全都在下半季或季後賽做出重大貢獻 以及季初砸錢簽到大谷、山本,以及一年約簽下Teo西語老師60
[分享] Friedman:打不贏Blake Snell就買他今日道奇舉辦Blake Snell入團記者會 道奇營運總裁Friedman說出比打不贏就加入它更殺的一句話: Andrew Friedman on Blake Snell: “If you can’t beat him, just have him join u s.”39
[情報] 大谷的特殊逃脫條款(老闆&總裁)Shohei Ohtani can opt out of his $700 million Dodgers deal if controlling owner Mark Walter or president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman lose their roles with the team, an AP source says 如果道奇老闆Mark Walter或是總裁Andrew Friedman失去在球隊的位置31
[情報] 道奇準備再補一個右打外野手Andrew Friedman #Dodgers just told us @mlbnetworkradio that he is focused righ t now on acquiring a right-handed hitting outfielder that can crush LHP and ho ld his own against RHP. It's only a matter of time. 道奇營運總裁Andrew Friedman上廣播說的,他說他準備再補一個可以粉碎左投手16
[分享] 道奇對Tanner Scott有興趣根據棒球內部人士播客報道,道奇隊和Tanner Scott對彼此有濃厚的興趣 估且先當乳摸看看就好 該文下的留言也提到道奇之前也說和Teoscar Hernandez彼此都有機會看好能簽約,但到現 在還沒完成簽約8
[閒聊] Andrew Friedman談普神跟筒神Andrew Friedman thinks Albert Pujols still has life to his bat and can be a grea t mentor to the young players 認為普神還能打 而且能當年輕球員的好老師 Andrew Friedman said the #Dodgers were interested in Yoshi Tsutsugo while he was8
[情報] 道奇隊鎖定Lucas GiolitoThe Dodgers are interested in White Sox RHP Lucas Giolito, one of the top availa ble pitchers, sources say. Giolito, who went to high school in LA, has a 3.45 ERA this year. The Dodgers ha ve an @MLB-best 9 of the industry’s top 100 prospects, per @MLBPipeline. @MLBNetwork2
[分享] 老闆換人的話,大谷可逃脫合約Shohei Ohtani can opt out of his $700 million Dodgers deal if controlling owner Mark Walter or president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman lose their roles with the team, an AP source says 如果道奇老闆Mark Walter或是總裁Andrew Friedman失去在球隊的位置
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