[分享] 老闆換人的話,大谷可逃脫合約
Shohei Ohtani can opt out of his $700 million Dodgers deal if controlling ownerMark Walter or president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman lose their roles with the team, an AP source says
如果道奇老闆Mark Walter或是總裁Andrew Friedman失去在球隊的位置
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 大谷去道奇Breaking MLB free agency news: Shohei Ohtani is signing with the LA Dodgers. 大谷翔平宣布與洛杉磯道奇隊簽約 他是透過自己的IG直接公布了 自己的下一站是洛杉磯道奇隊爆
[情報] 大谷翔平合約 每年延期付款68MExclusive @TheAthletic: Shohei Ohtani will defer $68 million per year of his $70 million annual salary over the course of his 10-year, $700 million deal with th e Dodgers, allowing the team to keep spending, according to a person briefed on the terms.爆
[情報] 大谷去道奇 700M/10yBreaking MLB free agency news: Shohei Ohtani is signing with the LA Dodgers. _b3GY16kew 出大事啦! --92
[情報] Jon Heyman:大谷不會被交易到道奇隊今天的乳摸 July 17: Ohtani 'not getting traded' to the Dodgers (report) If Shohei Ohtani does get dealt at the Trade Deadline, he won't be staying in Ca lifornia, said MLB Network insider Jon Heyman. , speaking on a Bleacher Report l ivestream earlier today, said that the Dodgers won't be trading for Ohtani due t62
[分享] Jeff Passan解釋大谷合約延期付款的影響I’m going to explain why Shohei Ohtani’s $700 million contract with the Los An geles Dodgers will not equal $700 million in terms of MLB accounting or the pres ent-day value of the deal. 我來解釋為何大谷簽的7億鎂合約在會計上與現值上不等於7億鎂。 When money in a contract is deferred, the competitive-balance tax number — the49
[情報] 乳摸:大谷可能願意簽短約來源: 今天除了大谷對勇士有興趣以外的另外一個新乳摸 Nov. 13: Ohtani 'might be open to a short-term deal' (report) For all of the talk of Shohei Ohtani potentially signing the biggest contract in baseball history this winter, could a short-term deal be on the table?49
[情報] 巨人隊也開給大谷與道奇隊相似的合約Farhan Zaidi said Giants did host Shohei Ohtani at Oracle Park before winter mee tings and they were presented with similar deal to one he signed with Dodgers. H e said Giants were up for it, but they got a sense Ohtani wanted to be in Southe rn California.30
[分享] 大谷+山本 道奇都有興趣爭取日媒轉述美媒洛杉磯當地報導,資金雄厚的道奇是很可能在季末追逐大谷翔平的同時也想爭 取到入札挑戰大聯盟的山本由伸,尤其在目前市場上先發投手又不足情況。 道奇總裁Andrew Friedman先前在WBC時就曾親自到日本現地看山本由伸的練投、而道奇潛在 最大對手就是另一間豪門球隊洋基,洋基GM季中也曾帶球探幹部到日本當地看過山本投球, 目前多數評估山本的合約總額約在2億美元上下、季末這兩大東西豪門球隊爭取自由市場上19
[情報] 天使隊與其他球隊已就大谷交易進行過溝通The Angels have communicated about Shohei Ohtani trade scenarios with other team s in recent days. Even as the Angels have won 6 of 8, the possibility of an Ohtani trade remains. The Angels are at 9.6% in the latest @baseball_ref playoff odds projection. @MLBNetwork @MLB8
[閒聊] Andrew Friedman談普神跟筒神Andrew Friedman thinks Albert Pujols still has life to his bat and can be a grea t mentor to the young players 認為普神還能打 而且能當年輕球員的好老師 Andrew Friedman said the #Dodgers were interested in Yoshi Tsutsugo while he was
[討論] 健保最大的破洞在哪裡7
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[閒聊] 沒看lol2
[討論] 管委會集合!!!23
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Re: [閒聊] 洲際漢神百貨1
[閒聊] 第二賽區2
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