Re: [閒聊] 佐佐木朗希 The Decision
※ PTT留言評論
[分享] 佐佐木朗希將在道奇、教士、藍鳥間作決定The finalists for Japanese star right-hander Roki Sasaki are the Los Angeles D odgers, San Diego Padres and Toronto Blue Jays, sources tell ESPN. Sasaki will decide on his team by the closing of his posting window Jan. 23. 根據Jeff Passan的消息 佐佐木朗希已將最終加盟名單縮減為爆
[情報] 道奇可能加入季末的Soto爭奪戰New York Post, Jon Heyman 消息人士稱:只要Soto有意願,道奇就可能在季末的Soto爭奪戰中出手。 錢不是問題,感謝大谷的98%無息延後支付,現在道奇想簽誰就簽誰。 不過最大的問題還是:Soto自己會想回到西海岸嗎?爆
[分享] 大谷:我沒有招募佐佐木朗希加入道奇Shohei Ohtani said he hasn't been recruiting Roki Sasaki to the Dodgers, but tha t he considers Sasaki a friend (they played together in the WBC last year) "I'll respect his decision wherever he wants to sign, and I think he'll do well wherever he goes."爆
[情報] 佐佐木朗希今天將與道奇會面根據記者Ken Rosenthal以及Fabia Ardaya報導 佐佐木朗希今天將與道奇進行會面 並且道奇的「球星們」都將出席 FOX Sports:MLB81
[情報] 道奇已與佐佐木朗希會面No surprise. #Dodgers are considered front runners to sign Roki Sasaki. But conf irmed that they did meet with him. His agent, Joel Wolfe, said more than 20 team s reached out. Six are reported to have had in-person meetings during first roun d this month.58
[情報] 佐佐木朗希決選球隊名單: 道奇/教士/藍鳥The finalists for Japanese star right-hander Roki Sasaki are the Los Angeles Dodgers, San Diego Padres and Toronto Blue Jays, sources tell ESPN. Sasaki will decide on his team by the closing of his posting window Jan. 23. 隨著與大聯盟各球團完成面談之後31
[閒聊] 希望佐佐木朗希去哪隊?洋基:柯爾狀態下滑,朗希有望成為下一任洋基ace 紅襪:叛逆的朗希很適合紅襪狂野球風 教士:跟達比修有組成聖地牙哥亞洲雙星王牌 道奇:我覺得朗希不會去道奇,因為明年大谷要二刀流,道奇可能會組6人輪值,朗希上場? 巨人:去舊金山跟道奇打對台17
[情報] 道奇、教士會延後宣布今年的海外新秀簽約幾天前的消息 The Dodgers are pushing back their international amateur signees to January 25th , as they are waiting for Sasaki’s decision, a source says. 道奇延到1/25公布 要等朗希決定9
[閒聊] 朗希最後會去哪隊?道奇:大谷可能不會再投球,增加朗希的表現空間。有機會打WS對朗希應該相當有吸引力。 藍鳥:曾經把菊池雄星修好,藍鳥應該很會調投手。去藍鳥有機會實力更上一層樓,在藍鳥投球壓力比較不會那麼大。 教士:有大學長達比修可以討教,教士明星球員多,打進季後賽機會大。 希望不要道奇 去藍鳥、教士都行5
[情報] 道奇、教士在新的國際球員額度只剩1.5MWhile money won’t be everything in Sasaki’s decision, I’ll soon unveil a brea kdown of each team’s remaining budget after January 15. The Padres and Dodgers are among the teams that will have around $1.5M remaining after the official signings on January 15.
[閒聊] 會長澄清未壓縮兄弟場次77
[閒聊] 數發部預算70
[閒聊] 龍迷沒有上車25
[討論] 所以現在開始談明年場次19
[討論] 【遠雄攔胡卡巨蛋】Super Junior進蛋檔19
[閒聊] 這次的大巨蛋場次之亂應該結束了....吧22
[閒聊] 所以台鋼現在是黑中之黑嗎10
[大師] 大師是對的9
[閒聊] 龍貓說的球棒控制力8
[閒聊] 尾牙食材7
[閒聊] 剩龍象未公布教練團6
[閒聊] 郭俊麟倒在陳冠宇肩上5
[閒聊] 本以為看棒球泡溫泉4
[閒聊] 古林何時會跟火腿合流?4
[閒聊] 陳子豪終於4
[閒聊] 古林3
[閒聊] 森井那狀況3
[閒聊] 韓國大腸麵 錫悅人蔘要結束了?3
[討論] 今年的季後好精彩2
[分享] Robert Stock 去紅襪1
[閒聊] 切爾西本季484沒希望了1
[閒聊] 所以大巨蛋平日場1
[閒聊] 怎麼還這麼多人在意球棒控制說?