Re: [閒聊] Wander Franco
坦帕灣光芒隊22歲游擊手Wander Franco因涉嫌與未成年少女發生性關係,在1月初於多明尼加舉行的聽證會上被獲准交保,並有條件出境。根據《ESPN》取得600頁的起訴書內容,Franco未來恐怕要面臨最長20年的監禁,棒球生涯等於劃下句點。
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首Po沒想到一覺醒來, 他的大約和MLB生涯竟然陷入重大危機。 證明女方家長知情能救他嗎? --2
首PoEnrique and @JuanRecioM with the facts: Tampa Bay Rays shortstop Wander Franco has been officially summoned by police to appear for questioning at 11 a.m. Thursday, per sources. Franco is under investigation by police and MLB for alleged inappropriate relationships with minors.1
哇靠,開除律師。 律師說他們幫不上忙,無法配合檢警了。 直接逃亡的意思? --7
首Po被指控人口販賣 越來越大條了 --
[情報] Franco案沒外傳那麼簡單 多名未成年涉入WANDER FRANCO CASE UPDATE "There has been a lot of progress," a person with knowledge of the matter told @DiarioLibre. "The case is not as simple as is being rumored in some media. T here are many people involved and more minors involved." Via @VicBaezS #Wander Franco爆
[情報] 有另一位未成年控告Wander FrancoThe Attorney General of the Dominican Republic says that there is a complaint fi led by a minor against Wander Franco. According to the Attorney General of the DR, it's another young woman, not the o ne on social media, per @DiarioLibre / @AlertasMundial.57
[情報] 檢方找不到Wander FrancoThe Santo Domingo Prosecutor's Office for Children and Adolescents carried out t wo home raids today in search of Wander Franco and he was not found, per @Listin Diario 根據多明尼加的媒體報導,負責兒少事件的檢察官辦公室今天兩次搜查Franco他家都找不到41
[情報] Wander Franco被第三位未成年指控Big news from my colleague @JuanRecioM: Prosecutors in the Dominican Republic are investigating a second formal complaint lodged by an underaged girl agains t Tampa By Rays shortstop Wander Franco, now are looking into three allegation s. News free at ESPN: 據知情人士透露,在7月17日首次起訴佛朗哥之後,另一名女孩向專門處理案件的檢察官25
[情報] Wander Franco遭停賽g Major League Baseball has placed Tampa Bay Rays shortstop Wander Franco on admin istrative leave as the league and authorities in the Dominican Republic investig ate Franco's alleged relationships with underaged girls, sources tell ESPN.22
[分享] 今日Wander Franco坦帕灣光芒游擊手#5 Wander Franco 今日先發擔任球隊第二棒 4AB 0R 0H 1RBI 1SO 1BB .105AVG .261OBP .316SLG .577OPS 大聯盟初登場技驚四座的Franco 近三場比賽陷入低潮 12個打數沒有擊出安打 今日僅在7局滿壘時靠著選球選到一次保送 擠回三壘上的跑者9
[討論] Francos慘慘慘來自多明尼加,22歲的光芒(Tampa Bay Rays)明星游擊手弗朗科(Wander Franco), 近期連續被爆出,與14歲和16歲未成年少女交往的醜聞,讓他被大聯盟(MLB)調查,甚 至還遭球團限制停賽。本被看好有光明前景的弗朗科,知名體育記者戈梅茲(Héctor G ómez)在推特爆料,聲稱有內部知情人士透露,目前聯盟與多明尼加兩端的調查結果, 都對弗朗科非常不利,「他的大聯盟生涯,恐怕將到此劃下句點。」因為在多明尼加,與2
[討論] Franco第二個少女來自多明尼加,年僅22歲的光芒(Tampa Bay Rays)明星游擊手弗朗科(Wander Franco ),近期傳出和14歲未成年少女交往的醜聞,讓他被大聯盟(MLB)官方啟動調查,還遭 到球團限制停賽。但衰運似乎不打算放過他,最新傳聞指出,他家鄉多明尼加媒體16日爆 料,當地檢察官早在7月中旬,就曾接獲一名17歲青少女爆料指控,聲稱曾與弗朗科有過 一段關係,由於多明尼加法定成年為18歲,檢方和兒福機構已著手啟動調查,讓弗朗科再
[閒聊] RKG異動名單16
[討論] MLB西語系球員,多益都在900以上嗎10
[閒聊] 源田9
Re: [討論] 洲際整修有消息了嗎8
Re: [閒聊] 高苑跟美和是發生什麼事3
[討論] 台灣要改路名的話4
[閒聊] 喔喔喔喔3
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Re: [開戰] 金猿5
[閒聊] 吹哨者14
[開戰] 金猿1
[閒聊] Lux去紅人4
Re: [開戰] 金猿1
[分享] 鍵盤球探EP.223