[心得] Tim Hardaway Jr.
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77休戰啊 基本上小牛今天陣容就剩這兩個人進攻最猛
Fantasy持有者 賺爛
很喜歡timjr 的穿搭 簡單中帶點巧思
THJ 是不是感覺有點神經刀
把感覺跟有點去了 可以的話刀也去了
[情報] 獨行俠有意Ayton,新生代三劍客誕生?記者Eric Pincus報導 77跟Ayton的經紀人都是Bill Duffy,77跟Ayton私下有交情 獨行俠除了會用3+1總值210M的合約續約KI以外 並且會尋求交易Ayton組成新的三劍客爆
[花邊] Tim Hardaway: Luka、Kyrie不是領袖"That trade wasn't for them, what isn't broken doesn't need to be fixed. They're missing a leader out there. Luka is not a leader, Kyrie is not a leader." —爆
[情報] 乳摸:Hardaway Jr.+J.Green+籤換Siakam@LegionHoops RUMOR: The Mavericks’ offer for Pascal Siakam could be a package surrounding Tim Hardaway Jr., Josh Green and draft picks, per @JWeinbachNBA爆
[外絮] 熱火和獨行俠已就THJ的交易進行初步對話熱火和獨行俠已就一筆涉及THJ的交易進行初步對話 There have been some reports that indicated Tim Hardaway Jr. has been made avail able for trades by the Dallas Mavericks. The Miami Heat have been revealed as a suitor for Hardaway Jr's services, with NBA insider Adam Borai providing details on the situation.爆
[情報] Tim Hardaway Jr. 12投0中 隊史最鐵Tim Hardaway Jr. went 0-for-12 from the floor tonight, the worst single-game performance in Mavericks history. His father holds the NBA record for the most misses without a make, going 0-for-17 with the Warriors in 1991.74
[花邊] 今日/近期 Tim Hardaway JrTim Hardaway Jr tonight: 29 PTS 3 STL 6-8 3P56
[花邊] James Harden 生涯助攻超越 Tim HardawayCongrats to @JHarden13 of the @LAClippers for moving to 18th on the all-time total assists list! James Harden 生涯助攻數在今天正式超越 Tim Hardaway 目前排名則是升至史上第18名54
[花邊] Tim Hardaway因轉播球賽失言道歉“Hey everybody, I used a poor choice of words earlier in the broadcast I wanna apologize for that.” Tim Hardaway apologizes for his use of the word “rape” while covering the Warriors-Spurs game.44
[花邊] KI請求下季換穿11號BREAKING: Kyrie Irving has requested #11 for next season. This is a great indication that he’ll return. KI請求下季換穿11號球衣,這很可能代表他會回歸獨行俠隊。 Report: Tim Hardaway Jr. agreed to give up his number to Kyrie Irving. If Tim returns he’ll be #10.11
[情報] Tim Hardaway Jr.完成手術The Mavericks say Tim Hardaway Jr. underwent surgery to address a fracture to the fifth metatarsal in his left foot … with no timetable established yet for his return. Tim Hardaway Jr.完成手術處理左腳骨折
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