Re: [閒聊] Moncada
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※ 編輯: Fitzwilliam ( 臺灣), 11/17/2024 22:08:03
Cosme 2s2b,他覺得太外角
[討論] 目前義古大戰水準是不是相當高如題 目前八局下半2:1 雙方攻守都非常有水準 流暢的守備 豪邁的揮棒打擊46
[分享] Yoan Moncada, Luis Robert 將於明天來台根據古巴記者報導, 白襪隊 Luis Robert Jr. 以及 Yoan Moncada 預計將於明天出發前往台灣 準備跟WBC古巴代表隊報到29
[炸裂] Yoan Moncada沒人要發 來搶看看 中信兄弟先發投手鄭浩均被強襲球打退場 換上江忠城 直接被炸一發兩分砲 古巴2:0中信兄弟24
[情報]Luis Robert、Yoan Moncada向古巴WBC說YesSources: Yoan Moncada and Luis Robert said “yes” to the Cuban National Team to the WBC and they will be in the preliminary 50-man roster. Surely they will have to wait for White Sox's permission, but at least it's th e will of both players. 白襪隊的Luis Robert、Yoan Moncada兩位選手被古巴放入了WBC 50人的大名單,兩人都16
[分享] Yoan Moncada 決定加入古巴12強國家隊Sources: Yoan Moncada decided to participate in the Premier 12 with Cuba in recent hours and will soon join to the team in South Korea. Moncada, 29, is in the process of getting his visa to the Asian country. Yoan Moncada 已經決定參加本屆世界12強賽9
[分享] 今日 Yoan Moncada打數:5 得分:0 安打:3 全壘打:0 打點:410
[情報] Yoan Moncada 將缺席3到6個月The White Sox place Yoan Moncada on the IL with a left adductor strain. He is expected to miss 3-6 months. Yoan Moncada 由於左側內收肌拉傷,已經被白襪隊放入傷兵名單當中 預期將會缺席三到六個月10
[情報] Moncada想追求合約 可能不會打12強Yoan Moncada will not be representing Cuba on the final roster for the Premier 1 2, per sources. The 29-year-old player will become a free agent 5 days after the World Series en ds and will focus on preparing during the winter to secure a contract with a MLB organization.7
[情報] 白襪同意Yoan Moncada加入WBC古巴隊Sources: Cuban INF Yoan Moncada (27) also received permission from the Chicago White Sox to participate with Cuba in the V @WBCBaseball. Luis Robert獲得同意後Yoan Moncada也獲得同意了!2
[專欄]【WBC】曾經的大物、古巴國家隊好手Yoán2023/02/13 棒球 MLB 【WBC】曾經的大物、古巴國家隊好手Yoán Moncada Moncada是誰?有些球迷可能不知道, 他曾經是名備受期待的五拍子好手,還是小聯盟第一新秀。
[閒聊] 詹子賢求婚成功43
[討論]《憲法訴訟法》三讀通過了 賴清德可以開搞爆
[閒聊] 奶哥推特 - 中信補充資訊33
[閒聊] 龍:子豪合約下週統一公告31
[閒聊] 爪合約到底多爛啊29
[討論] 25龍的火力中職史上沒見過28
[討論] 詹子賢放棄去台鋼暢打的機會其實很可惜吧27
[閒聊] 味全2025打線26
[分享] 校長要檢討FA買不到的因素25
[討論] 搞不懂爪為何要提一個3年技術性FA20
[閒聊] 把郭天信當志豪練22
[閒聊] 所以劉志威在什麼階段才發現他給的條件21
Re: [閒聊] 3+4跟4+3哪個比較好?21
[分享] 整個台鐵北部大誤點21
[閒聊] 爪要不要大膽一點20
[閒聊] 基鴻 若熙 宋88 文杰 結訓(退伍)囉19
[閒聊] 真魚:陳子豪的合約19
[閒聊] 中信特攻送週末門票給附近學校學生17
[閒聊] 吱補償球員尚未決定18
[閒聊] 我邦現在要宣布什麼消息17
[閒聊] 啾啾後來16
[討論] 爪對子豪薪水踩很死16
[閒聊] 雅英真的好美但是17
[閒聊] 爪明年的先發野手17
[閒聊] 1.3E17
[討論] 爪有參考撈哥的合約?17
[閒聊] 38歲特攻曾文鼎年薪破千萬 vs 29歲陳子豪16
[閒聊] 爪球團粉是不是護不下去了16
[閒聊] 富邦明年該衝FA嗎15
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