I am feel good now!
Do you understand?
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stop shitposting plz ><
[閒聊] 佛地魔演員發聲 為JK羅琳 遭遇辯護擷取其中一段 I mean, I can understand a viewpoint that might be angry at what she says about women,” he continued. “But it’s not some obscene, über-right-wing fascist. I6
[情報] 03/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 16 2022 粉筆在黑板上的聲音會讓有些人覺得超級惱人, 雖然他們可能沒辦法精準地說出為什麼, 在你周遭有一些人以這種方式影響你,魔魔, 但如果你能找到更接受他們的方式會對你比較好。5
[情報] 26/04/~ 02/05/2021 Weekly HoroscopeThe focus is on you this week, Moonchild - yes, you. Even though you don't always admit to liking the attention because you don't like being conspicuous, you will have to admit that all that attention and admiration can make you feel pretty darn good. Well, enjoy it. Lap it up. Not only will this be good for your ego and your confidence, but it will validate that some talent orX
[問卦] i am feel good now,哈哈哈i am feel good now 朋友最近在ig發這句英文啦 感覺好灑脫好帥喔 看了都好想去地球村報名 看以後能不能隨手寫出一句英文3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/29是不是感覺到某件你在努力著也有著期待的事情,將會以非常正面的方式為你運作呀?感覺也好,直覺也好,不管是什麼,你都感覺到,或是至少應該要對於成功感到確定。你正在意識到好事,這很理所當然。但是不要就此打住了,阿牛。你需要確保自己是完全地瞭解自己在做什麼,這樣才能向其他人傳達你的信念。即使你自認不是當局者迷,旁觀者清,倒不盡然。想出一個具體的做法來讓大家相信,那麼你將能迎來更大的成功。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jul 29 You have a feeling that something you are working on that you have hopes for is going to work out for you in an exceptionally positive way. Call it a vibe; call it intuition, but whatever it is, you feel - or should feel - certain of success. You are picking up good things, and that's as it should be. But don't stop there, Taurus. You need to make sure that you also fully understand all that you are doing so that you can convey your faith to others. Even though you "know" it - they don't. Come up with a concrete way to get others to believe, and you can have even bigger success. --3
[閒聊] 想躺平每次不想努力的時候 就會想到killing eve裡的一段話 Most of the time, most days, I feel nothing. I don’t feel anything. It’s so boring. I wake up and I think “again, really? I have to do this again?” And what I r2
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeIt may feel as though there is a lot of friction surrounding you right now. Yo u can feel the crazy energy, and it may be causing you to feel nervous, which may lead to fears of something going wrong. But that wild energy you are feeli ng - it is something good. It's the universe stirring things up so that someth ing can be put into place. There are changes that have to happen, and when a p1
[情報] 16/11~22/11/2020 Weekly HoroscopeYour hard outer shell often hides your very soft and emotional interior, Moonchild. Those who know you well understand this, but those who don't know you well enough might assume you are one tough cookie. And while you are a very strong and tough individual, and while you may come off as invincible, you feel very deeply. This week, it would behoove you to show1
[情報] 08/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 7月 8 You are well known for your empathy, Moonchild. You can pick up the emotions o ther people are feeling, even if you don't know them well. And when you do, yo u feel those emotions too. It is both a blessing and a curse. But now someone may not understand how deeply empathic you are, and they may think you don't u1
[情報] 15/05/2022 Daily Horoscope對你來說,讓別人理解你對某一重要事項的觀點是非常重要的。 你不喜歡被誤解,而且你可能擔心這就是現在的情況。 但如果你強求,或變得太過熱情或太過緊張,月之子,可能會產生相反的效果。 要讓別人理解你的感受,你能做的最好的事情之一就是首先理解他們的感受。 如果他們相信你會同理他們,他們會對你的觀點更加開放。
[閒聊] 魚住65
[開戰] PJK 五棒54
[討論] 威立朱47
[閒聊] 手比六的郭39
[討論] 沒有尚勇真的是公平性問題39
[閒聊] 台澳戰36
[暈船] 阿立35
Re: [暈船] 明天要進去蹲ㄌ28
[閒聊] 晨威阿立朱哥28
[閒聊] PJK道歉23
[閒聊] 朱哥27
[討論] 血郭目前的表現26
[開戰] 血郭今天看起來不怎樣25
[轉播] 黑熊 0:0 袋鼠 一△爆
[閒聊] 郭俊麟粉最驕傲的一天24
[開戰] 郭俊麟看起來真的不太行23
[閒聊] 關鍵的比賽不能看好痛苦23
[分享] 中華隊今日打序23
[閒聊] 今晚打序「微調」22
[舒服] 澳洲無敵的吧18
[閒聊] 應援19
[閒聊] 朱育賢感覺沒有要一棒扛出去的想法20
[閒聊] 三場線上觀戰20
[閒聊] 炸蛋超人 魚住19
[閒聊] 台灣代表性動物19
[閒聊] 魚住18
[閒聊] 朱哥17
[閒聊] 林家正傳球ok喔17
[閒聊] 愛爾達賽前訪問四爺講得太好了吧!