Re: [乳摸] 今永昇太
MLB Hot Stove update:
I'm told LHP Shōta Imanaga continues to draw interest from at least five @MLB teams, as of Sunday evening.
Imanaga, 30, is likely to finalize his MLB contract before his posting window closes Thursday at 5 pm ET.
截止至週日晚間至少五隊有興趣(對 又不一樣了)
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首Po每天刷消息刷到好焦慮乾脆在這版統整== @Ken Rosenthal 三隻仍須補強輪值的球隊:大都會、洋基、金鶯被預期不會參與標價, 紅襪、巨人,是兩支唯一有被提到名字仍在追價的球隊。 -3
起床消息就大轉彎 NEWS: The Mets are among the teams involved in the Shota Imanaga discussions r ight now, per @Feinsand 大都會也在競爭今永的行列中 --4
Shota Imanaga finalists are the #RedSox #Cubs #Angels #Giants according to sou rces. 看來週末要決定了(吧) --2
紅襪ㄉ部分 在更早之前一點紅襪是相當積極在追今永的, 現在也被指出仍在追求, 不過相對於其他牽涉其中的球隊而言, 原文使用了lurking、也就是潛伏的姿態,6
Sammon says the Mets are unlikely to meet his price (around $100 MM). Giants d on’t sound like they will either. Cubs, Red Sox, or Angels? 大都會和巨人不太可能為了今永會出到100M 小熊、紅襪或天使? --2
There are multiple conflicting reports on who’s in and who’s out on the Shota Imanaga sweepstakes, but @SANSPOCOM reports the San Francisco Giants and Los Ang eles Angels are the current frontrunners as the deadline approaches. 日媒:巨人跟天使領先4
日職橫濱DeNA海灣之星王牌左投今永昇太去年季後透過入札制度挑戰美國大聯盟,目前爭 奪戰進入最高潮。最初小熊、巨人、紅襪和天使被列為最終候選,但據《The Athletic》 報導,目前爭奪戰可能僅剩下天使一支球隊,小熊、巨人和紅襪態度轉為消極。 據大聯盟相關人士透露,除非在最後階段出現驚人的轉變,否則小熊隊似乎不太可能成為 今永昇太新東家,並指出,「雖然小熊沒有完全退出爭奪戰,但他們的態度變為消極,能2
怎麼感覺都講到自己沒在認真追 = = --1
The Giants, Red Sox, Cubs and Angels have been tabbed by sources as the finalist s for Imanaga, but according to one source, San Francisco might be emerging as t he favorite. 決選:巨人、紅襪、小熊、天使
[情報] MLBTR:五位可能明年挑戰大聯盟的NPB球員NPB To MLB: 7 Players To Watch By Dai Takegami Podziewski | April 21, 2023 at 11:15am CDT This series will keep track of NPB players who may be making their way to the ML B in the near future.66
[情報] 今永昇太將行使入札制度赴美Sources: LHP Shōta Imanaga will be posted to @MLB teams this offseason by the Y okohama DeNA BayStars. Imanaga, who won gold at @WBCBaseball, has a career-best 8.21 SO/W ratio in 133 1/3 IP this year.21
[分享] 今永昇太即將開放競標 有望獲得5年75M合約Japanese LHP Shota Imanaga is expected to be posted for MLB teams between now and Monday, per @Feinsand Imanaga, 30, started the WBC championship for team Japan. He has a career 3.18 ERA over 1,002 2/3 innings pitched in the NPB.14
[情報] 今永昇太能拿到$100M ?Imanaga, also 30, left Nippon Professional Baseball's Yokohama Bay Stars this wi nter after posting a 2.96 ERA over 1,129⅔ innings during his eight-year stint. While teams hoped they could get Imanaga on a Kodai Senga-like deal -- five year s, $75 million -- his market has grown strong enough, sources said, that his dea l could be closer to $100 million.10
[分享] 今永爭奪戰白熱化 洋基與大都會參戰日媒報導在大聯盟自由市場上的最熱門的球員大谷翔平與山本由伸都確定加盟道奇之後,本 季和山本一樣也是使用入札挑戰大聯盟的左投 今永昇太(30) 爭奪戰也將進入白熱化到昨 日為止已傳出有10支球隊以上和今永昇太經紀人接洽,這些球隊當中包含了目前被評估呼聲 高的球隊洋基及大都會,今永的合約總額報導評估約落在5年7500萬~6年1億美金上下。 今永昇太入札大聯盟的截止時間點為美東時間1/11 下午5點為止。6
[情報] 李政厚明天正式開放MLB各隊競標#KBO posting: Outfielder Jung-Hoo Lee will be officially posted for #MLB clubs o n Monday, Dec. 4, in U.S. time, Lee's KBO team, Kiwoom Heroes, just announced. The 30-day negotiating window for Lee opens at 8 am ET on Dec. 5. 根據記者Bob Nightengale的說法7
[情報] 今永昇太預期能拿到均薪20M合約?Shōta Imanaga, winning pitcher in the WBC gold medal game, is drawing broad int erest from @MLB clubs, including the Dodgers, Mets, Red Sox, and Cubs. Some in the industry believe he could receive an AAV in the $20 million range. 今年是日本選手發財年嗎XD6
[情報] 今永昇太、上沢直之正式上架Japanese pitchers LHP Shota Imanaga and RHP Naoyuki Uwasawa have officially been posted, per source. Each will have a 45-day window beginning tomorrow to sign w ith an MLB club, which ends on January 11 at 5pm 今永昇太、上沢直之正式上架2
[情報] 今永昇太將行使入札制度赴美Sources: LHP Shōta Imanaga will be posted to @MLB teams this offseason by the Y okohama DeNA BayStars. Imanaga, who won gold at @WBCBaseball, has a career-best 8.21 SO/W ratio in 133 1/3 IP this year.1
[情報] 巨人對今永昇太有興趣The Giants have shown interest in free agent starter Shōta Imanaga, whose marke t is likely to clarify once Yamamoto agrees to his contract. 巨人對今永昇太有興趣 而根據Jon Heyman的報導
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[閒聊] 五條這也能中槍 戳到笑點XD