[閒聊] 富永啓生簽下Exhibit 10合約
還是和溜馬簽了Exhibit 10合約
加油 渡邊也是從Exhibit 10起步的!
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188的SG的確吃虧 不過既然有機會 當然要挑戰了
[花邊] 溜馬以Exhibit 10 簽下富永啟生NEWS: Japanese guard Keisei Tominaga has agreed to an Exhibit 10 deal with the I ndiana Pacers, a source told ESPN. The Nebraska product was one of the best shoo ters in the Big Ten, averaging 15 points in 26 minutes. 恭喜 看有沒有上場機會95
[情報] 拓荒者隊簽下 Antoine Davis消息來源: The Portland Trail Blazers are signing undrafted Detroit-Mercy guard Antoine Davis on an Exhibit 10 contract, per sources. 拓荒者隊補進落選後衛 Antoine Davis66
[情報] Drew Timme和公鹿簽下Exhibit 10Undrafted Gonzaga forward Drew Timme has agreed to an Exhibit 10 deal with the Milwaukee Bucks, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Gonzaga知名前鋒,落選秀Drew Timme和公鹿簽下exhibit 10合約 關於Exhibit 10合約,大家可能自行google一下,簡單來說,是之後可以轉成雙向合約的一種非保障約 -----34
[情報] 熱火有意簽下落選新秀 DeJon Jarreau消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Per source, Heat has conveyed interest in signing undrafted Houston guard DeJon Jarreau, who impressed in summer league, but hasn't conveyed whether26
[情報] 暴龍渡邊雄太的Exhibit10合約轉雙向合約暴龍將渡邊雄太的Exhibit 10合約轉化為雙向合約 來源:虎撲 2020-12-20 22:05:4927
[情報] Jordan Bell 跟溜馬隊簽下Exhibit 10合約-消息來源: Pacers To Sign Jordan Bell To Sign Exhibit 10 Contract The Indiana Pacers are signing Jordan Bell to an Exhibit 10 deal. It's likely the veteran big man will land with the Indiana Mad Ants of the G League16
[情報] Romeo Langford與爵士簽下Exhib-10合約消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: The Utah Jazz are signing Romeo Langford to an Exhibit 10 deal, League Sources tell myself and @ShamsCharania12
[情報] Zhaire Smith 跟騎士隊簽下Exhibit 10合約-消息來源: Cavs to Sign Former First-Round Pick Zhaire Smith 昔日NBA選秀會首輪新秀 Zhaire Smith 已經跟騎士隊簽下 Exhibit 10 合約4
[情報] Trevelin Queen 與魔術簽 Exhibit 10 合約消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: It's an Exhibit 10 contract that's been agreed to between the #Magic and free agent guard Trevelin Queen, the @orlandosentinel has learned. Once he signs- 消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Detroit Pistons and Zavier Simpson expected to finalize an agreement on a one-year deal, his agent Daniel Hazan of @hazansportsmgmt tells @NBAonTNT ,
[閒聊] 猜一下小肥刀去哪隊好了35
[閒聊] Team台灣被偷走後 台灣尚勇也要被偷了嗎43
[討論]《憲法訴訟法》三讀通過了 賴清德可以開搞爆
[閒聊] 奶哥推特 - 中信補充資訊35
[閒聊] 對爪迷來說哪個比較嚴重33
[閒聊] 兄弟未能意會到薪資需要上升的提示18
[閒聊] 立法院外在唱尚勇28
[開戰] 秉初幫講話26
[閒聊] 脆27
[閒聊] 呂詠臻緊張27
[閒聊] 味全2025打線26
[分享] 校長要檢討FA買不到的因素25
[閒聊] 油合約細節22
[討論] 仔細研究中信根本奸商啊21
Re: [閒聊] 3+4跟4+3哪個比較好?21
[分享] 整個台鐵北部大誤點18
[閒聊] 雅英真的好美但是18
[閒聊] 我邦現在要宣布什麼消息33
[討論] 詹子賢放棄去台鋼暢打的機會其實很可惜吧18
[閒聊] 詹選擇留下時小劉在想啥?17
[討論] 爪有參考撈哥的合約?17
[暈船] 預購ELLE 雜誌送四爺海報和小卡17
[閒聊] 富邦明年該衝FA嗎17
[閒聊] 爪明年的先發野手17
[閒聊] 38歲特攻曾文鼎年薪破千萬 vs 29歲陳子豪16
[閒聊] 蛤,你們現在才受不了劉志威15
[閒聊] 魏應充全力支持14
[討論] 如果蔣介石穿越到現在15
[分享] 單抽14
[閒聊] 林書逸限動-求婚服裝儀容也是要注意吧