[閒聊] 聯盟要怎麼幫助嘴綠?
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這人說心理有問題我才不信 專門欺善怕惡的
狐假虎威又靠勢而已 最好是有什麼病XD 那是現代球員
太溫和 被搞也摸摸鼻子 不然那種場上耍流氓無差別攻
擊 場外沒被怎樣算他命大了
[花邊] 嘴綠認為KD是NBA垃圾話之王連結: 記者:Akhil Khatri 嘴綠在自己的podcast中被問到, 除了自己以外在NBA誰最會噴垃圾話 嘴綠回答”KD是我進聯盟以來遇到最會噴的人” 他說大部分的人會注意到他在Twitter上跟人戰,或是跟場邊觀眾互嘴爆
[情報] 嘴綠:魔術是聯盟最差的球隊之一,無法嘴綠:魔術是聯盟最差的球隊之一,無法匹敵他們那絕對無法跟強隊對抗 Draymond Green: “To execute it requires a certain level of physicality. No disr espect to Orlando Magic, but that's one of the worst teams in the league. We can 't match that with them. So if you can't match that with them, you're definitely not going to do it against a great team.爆
[花邊] 場邊女勇迷安撫嘴綠,請他冷靜Lmao this random courtside Warriors fan telling Draymond Green, 'It's okay!' so he doesn't get a tech 在嘴綠不滿判決找裁判爭論的時候,一位女勇迷告訴嘴綠「嘴綠沒關係,沒關係。」最後嘴 綠沒有吃T。 影片:爆
[討論] AD V.S.嘴綠 論惡犯點數累積制度先恭喜我詹今天拿下第四座金盃及FMVP 這冠也獻給天上的KOBE及GIGI,R.I.P 開始主要討論內容 在G5 過後,相信一些人看到G5 AD肘擊J.Crowder覺得這應該被禁賽 相較之下,會拿著名打蛋事件[2016 嘴綠人體工學踢蛋 打蛋]相做比較爆
[花邊] 嘴綠跟苦命無來往Draymond Green doesn’t have a relationship with Jonathan Kuminga, per @MontePoo leNBCS "[Draymond Green & Jonathan Kuminga's non-relationship] is a problem and it can only be fixed by Draymond. The new contract implies the Warriors believe he can fix it, but around the league there are a lot of people saying 'I don't know.'"爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:我不相信聯盟中每個人都想贏,因嘴綠:我不相信聯盟中每個人都想贏,因為這需要做出巨大犧牲 After five straight NBA Finals and three titles, the Warriors had an injury-ridd led 2019-20 season and were eliminated in the play-in tournament last season by the same Memphis Grizzlies they’re facing now. 在連續五次進入NBA總冠軍賽並獲得三次總冠軍後,勇士在2019-20賽季受傷病困擾,並在上爆
[花邊] 矮湯對西門即將回歸提出一些想法內容來源:(矮湯推特) 1. I’m excited 2 see what Ben Simmons brings 2 the Nets. I keep hearing “He ’s going to play the Draymond role” like has he ever played that role? Do we know if he’s even good at that role? Let’s not just throw around “Draymond role” like that’s something simple!! If it was simple…89
[外絮] 嘴綠希望終老勇士:現今聯盟只為一隊效力嘴綠希望終老勇士:現今聯盟只為一隊效力11年以上的球員僅五人,這很罕見 Draymond Green and the Golden State Warriors have had an interesting couple of m onths. After winning their fourth championship in June, the Warriors' Big Three of Draymond Green, Steph Curry and Klay Thompson were back on top of the league. With that, of course, came questions about their future together. After all, Gr88
[情報] 嘴綠在場的真實影響力連結: 內容: 當嘴綠在場上時,勇士隊每100回合進攻可贏對手11.7分。沒嘴綠,每100回合輸對手12.4分 。42
[花邊] Mike Brown : 嘴綠那肯定是二級惡意犯規Mike Brown on the Draymond ejection: “Flagrant 2 for sure. It’ll be interesting to see what the NBA does when they review it.” 那個舉動毫無疑問是二級惡意犯規。 在聯盟重新檢視比賽影片後, 看看聯盟會採取什麼動作會很有意思。
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Re: [閒聊] 史丹利會介紹廖任磊在富邦的定位嗎