[閒聊] Respawn 說他們絕不會做Apex Legends 2

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] Respawn 說他們絕不會做Apex Legends 2作者
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Respawn Doesn't Want To Make An Apex Legends 2--"That's Our Anti-Vision"

"I think what's fundamental to the philosophy that [design director] Evan [
Nikolich's] been talking about is that our goal is that we don't want to be
just putting out content for the sake of putting out content," game director
Steve Ferreira told GameSpot in an interview discussing the four-year historyof Apex Legends.

遊戲總監 Steven Ferreira 在接受 GameSpot 關於遊戲四年曆史的採訪時表示:“我認
為(設計總監)Evan Nikolich 一致在談論的基本理念是,我們的目標是我們不想僅僅為了發佈內容而推出更新。”






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weltschmerz02/08 22:55偷臭某個出2代還是一樣無聊的遊戲

kira92502/08 22:56Titanfall 3呢...

LastAttack02/08 22:57臭XDD

xxx6070902/08 22:58問題是Titanfall賣比較差啊,大型機人不吃香

SivLoMario02/08 22:58Titanfall小組已經被拆掉嘍~

qscgg02/08 22:58titanfall 咧...

xxxrecoil02/08 23:01笑死,至少他們不會出二代然後從三個人組隊變兩個人

jouhouya02/08 23:01現在就有兩個人的模式常駐了

ilohoo02/08 23:03至少不會規定一隊只能一個防守角

KotoriCute02/08 23:07EA:你不做我就換個人來做

s05511702/08 23:19過氣之後會做apex2 然後pvp變成主打pve

aftermathx02/08 23:21總監連自己下個月還在不在工作室都不知道了

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reallurker02/09 01:582026 AL2 on the way