[今島] 任天堂對AI生成技術保持觀望態度

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Nintendo Says Generative AI Can Be Used in ‘Creative Ways,’ but Highlights
IP Issues

"We are open to utilizing technological developments."

Nintendo has commented on the controversial topic of generative artificial
intelligence in video game development, outlining the pros and cons as it
sees them.


In a shareholder Q&A, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa was asked about
the company’s initiatives involving AI. In response, Furukawa said
generative AI can be used “in creative ways,” but said its use “also raise
issues with intellectual property rights.”


Artificial intelligence and its uses in games is one of the hottest topics
within the video game industry, with some studios touting AI-generated NPCs
or AI-driven level creation, Others have expressed concern about its
potential impact on jobs, particularly in art, quality assurance, and

人工智慧及其在遊戲中的應用是遊戲行業中最熱門的話題之一,一些工作室兜售人工智能生成的 NPC或人工智能驅動的關卡創建,另一些工作室則表達了對其對就業的潛在影響的擔憂,特別是在藝術、品質方面。

Generative AI thus far has drawn criticism from players and creators due to amix of ethical issues, rights issues, and AI’s struggles to produce content
audiences actually enjoy. For instance, Keywords Studios attempted to create
an experimental game internally using entirely AI. The game failed, with
Keywords citing to investors that AI was “unable to replace talent.”

迄今為止,由於道德問題、智銓問題以及人工智慧難以生產觀眾真正喜歡的內容,生成式人工智慧已經招致了玩家和創作者的批評。例如,Keywords Studios 試圖在內部完全使用人工智慧來創建一個實驗性遊戲。該遊戲失敗了,Keywords 向投資者稱人工智慧「無法取代人才」。

As for Nintendo, which is readying the reveal and release of the Switch
successor console, Furukawa said the company is “open to utilizing
technological developments,” but will “work to continue delivering value
that is unique to Nintendo and cannot be created by technology alone.”

發展持開放態度”,但將“努力繼續提供任天堂獨有的、僅靠技術無法創造的價值” ”

Here’s Furukawa’s statement in full:


In the game industry, AI-like technologies have long been used — for
example, to control the movements of opponent characters — so I believe that
game development and AI technology have always had a close relationship.
Generative AI, which is becoming a big topic recently, can be used in
creative ways, but we recognize that it may also raise issues with
intellectual property rights.

We have decades of know-how in creating the best gaming experiences for our
players. While we are open to utilizing technological developments, we will
work to continue delivering value that is unique to Nintendo and cannot be
created by technology alone.



Nintendo’s mixed statement here comes as its video game console rivals go
all-in on AI. Microsoft, for example, is reportedly making an Xbox AI chatbotto automate support tasks such as game refunds, deal with broken consoles andsubscription issues, and answer questions about error codes.

任天堂的說法好壞參半,其電視遊戲機競爭對手正全力投入人工智慧領域。例如,據報道,微軟正在開發一個Xbox AI聊天機器人,以自動執行遊戲退款等支援任務、處理損壞的遊戲機和訂閱問題,以及回答有關錯誤代碼的問題。

Meanwhile, head of PlayStation Productions and head of product at PlayStationStudios Asad Qizilbash weighed in on AI to say its use in video games is
important to Gen Z and Gen Alpha gamers who seek "personalization across

同時,PlayStation Productions 負責人兼 PlayStation Studios 產品負責人 Asad
Qizilbash 也對人工智慧進行了評論,他表示人工智慧在電玩遊戲中的使用對於尋求「一切個性化」的Z世代和Alpha 世代遊戲玩家來說非常重要。

"For instance, non-player characters in games could interact with players
based on their actions, making it feel more personal,” Qizilbash said. “
This is important for the younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha audiences, who are the
first generations that grew up digitally and are looking for personalization
across everything, as well as looking for experiences to have more meaning."

Qizilbash 說:「例如,遊戲中的非玩家角色可以根據玩家的行為與玩家互動,讓遊戲感覺更加個人化。這對於年輕的Z 世代和Alpha 世代觀眾來說非常重要,他們是成長的第一代人。

Earlier this yeah, EA boss Andrew Wilson told the investment community that “more than 50% of our development processes will be positively impacted by theadvances in generative AI.” Wilson, who oversees EA Sports FC, The Sims, and
BioWare games, added that AI will make game development “more efficient”,
revealing that the EA Sports FC developers can now make stadiums in six weeksrather than six months.

今年早些時候,EA老闆安德魯威爾遜 (Andrew Wilson) 告訴投資界,“我們超過50%
的開發流程將受到生成式 AI 進步的積極影響。”負責 EA Sports FC、The Sims 和
BioWare 遊戲的 Wilson 補充道,人工智慧將使遊戲開發“更有效率”,並透露 EA
Sports FC 開發商現在可以在六週而不是六個月內建造體育場。



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rhox07/05 22:08哀,這種落後公司真的要島了

Armour1307/05 22:092024才發現,AI是做為輔助來減少人力成本不是去年大家都

Armour1307/05 22:09知道了嗎

laigeorge8907/05 22:09老任一直以來都不是投機的公司啊

kuninaka07/05 22:10任天堂正常發揮阿

kuninaka07/05 22:10他們不會很積極使用前沿技術

leamaSTC07/05 22:14主要是老任目前還用不太到吧 類型的問題

karta01807/05 22:16用AI輔助製作精緻遊戲的速度會快很多,任天堂這方面受惠

karta01807/05 22:16不大吧

kuninaka07/05 22:16GAI要用可以用很多啦

qweertyui89107/05 22:16不用想太多,就只是股東大會上的幹話環節

krousxchen07/05 22:16不是2024才發現,而是老任不喜歡減少人力成本

qweertyui89107/05 22:16

圖 任天堂對AI生成技術保持觀望態度

qweertyui89107/05 22:17媒體把一段幹話寫成文章而已

kuninaka07/05 22:17任天堂做遊戲花的時間反而GAI幫助不到吧

krousxchen07/05 22:17老任重視員工能不害怕被裁員才能發揮創意

kuninaka07/05 22:17GAI可以取代的是重複性的作業

kuninaka07/05 22:17任天堂開發遊戲有很多重複性的嗎

roc07407/05 22:17不要再觀望了,這種技術都是趕快用一用看一下市場的反應

roc07407/05 22:17,好或不好都是對的。

krousxchen07/05 22:17其實還是幫得到,只是老任不會大量應用

kuninaka07/05 22:17相關遊戲的話我想到POKEMON

kuninaka07/05 22:18全部都用GAI骰

kuninaka07/05 22:18GAME FREAK每次在哭說要做模型動畫,交給GAI骰

kuninaka07/05 22:19後面再精修

laigeorge8907/05 22:22王淚那種用AI的話bug會修不完吧

sopdet07/05 22:22整個業界都在積極投入 就你在觀望 難怪整天要島

hbkhhhdx200607/05 22:37整天被說要島結果賺爽爽

Annulene07/05 22:41砸蒸汽機 阻礙進步

npc77607/05 22:43蒸汽機但是開出來一堆ubi罐頭塔那也沒什麼意思...

deepelves07/05 23:11跟不上時代,技術落後,今年一定島,任天堂何去何從?

spfy07/05 23:13繼續馬車

toulio8107/06 02:30AI目前在多數地方還是處於當助手的角色,沒有專業人員

toulio8107/06 02:30幫他的產出做最後修正,品質都會出問題,而且非專業人

toulio8107/06 02:30士也不容易讓AI產出你想要的結果

toulio8107/06 02:31真的要用AI產出能用的東西,目前還需要一步一步引導,

toulio8107/06 02:32說出正確的術語

tamynumber107/06 08:09因為任島不會為了開放世界這幾個字而無意義的做一個

tamynumber107/06 08:09超大超無聊的空間吧

tamynumber107/06 08:13gai真的要說應用應該朝向VR方面會更有效益

rickey127007/06 08:50不錯啊

hylkevin07/06 20:55NFT跟元宇宙當紅時都被問過,任天堂不跟,SE跟NFT,當初

hylkevin07/06 20:55輿論是批評任,稱讚SE吧?