[閒聊] 「NOX LUX」(English Version)
就是原本日文歌曲 本家再唱一遍英文版的
這次RE零第三季片尾也這樣玩 「NOX LUX」(English Version)
歌詞部分:「NOX LUX」(English Version) Lyrics
Connecting dots one by one
Please give me your hands every time
Shoulder to shoulder, here we come
Line to line one by one
I’ll give you my hands every time
Let me be the beacon of our hope
“...cause we have a reason to believe you”
Faith in each other
We’re ready to do whatever it takes
We unite when our lives ring out and become one sound
With our common goal, we will never stop
Now, together we weave our way
Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster
So, let us unite
One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave
Resonates inside me
Now we gotta go
Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin
If you wish for that world
Get the courage for our fight
I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at
Never be afraid of your weakness
You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at
When our hands touch, I’m convinced we have your and my strength
Connecting dots one by one
Please give me your hands
Never let go
So, together we’ll fight
I’ll trust in you
You got my back
I’ve decided to go with you
Feeling it every time
I’ll get your message through the eyes
Don't even need words to understand
“...cause I have got a promise to keep”
I will not give in
Carrying only beliefs and vows
We unite
This time I hear nothing but a heartbeat
I see it, hope is there
Already I know
Now, let us not be afraid
We can change and look forward
Looking for sunrise
So, let us unite
One wish trembling and spreading like a sound
The more it tremors, the more burns fervor
I’m wishing for my friend
Morning sunrise to you
It all becomes real
Get the courage for our fight
I wish for all...wish for all of you
I've got you tight
Take my hand and don't let go
No matter what happens
I'll connect the threads as many times as it takes
Let our trembling voices re-echo
The Crystals that are brighter than anything else
We have within us
Unite when our lives ring out and become one sound
With our common goal, we will never stop
Now, together we weave our way
Keeping our beliefs alive through disaster
So, let us unite
One wish trembles and spreads like a sound wave
Resonates inside me
Now we gotta go
Shine a light into the dark, punishment for the sin
If you wish for that world
Get the courage for our fight
I will chase, I will trace, where you are looking at
Never be afraid of your weakness
You will chase, you will trace, where I am looking at
When our hands touch, I’m convinced we have your and my strength
We’ll believe, we’ll trust, cause we know what is the most precious
Now we gotta go...
[閒聊] 說到2PM你想到的第一首歌是什麼?出處: 翻譯出處: 內文: 10 out of 1066
[情報] RUS to MGPgeorgerussell63 It's official. Next year, I'll be a Mercedes F1 driver. This is a special day for me personally and professionally, but also a day of mixed emotions. I'm excited and humbled to be joining33
[閒聊] YOASOBI / Into The Night (夜に駆ける)YOASOBI / Into The Night (「夜に駆ける」English Ver.) Konnie Aoki的填詞和ikura的唱腔跟鬼一樣 各種空耳 Seize a move, you're on me, falling, and we were dissolving You and me, skies above and wide, it brings on the true night on me18
[閒聊] 劍星迷你OST - Everglow 非官方歌詞先防個雷 這首超好聽的啊啊啊啊,搭配軌道電梯那個地球場景真的絕配!! 有人跟據reddit 用戶分享的歌詞,自己重聽配上字幕,並剪了一個MV14
[妮姬] OVERZONE的戰鬥曲真的太讚了!Goddess of Victory [GODDESS OF VICTORY : NIKKE OST] 活動戰鬥曲真的超燃! 完全就是勇往直前,前仆後繼不計生死,拚死保衛人類戰鬥的樣子! 配上歌詞之後更讚了:5
[Vtub] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City LightsLazuLight - Diamond City Lights 真的挺好聽的 尤其是副歌部份 原文歌詞如下 The day I opened up memory's door4
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Fw: [聽歌] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City Lights作者: cloud7515 (殿) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [Vtub] 彩虹社EN出道曲 Diamond City Lights 時間: Mon May 17 00:07:35 2021 LazuLight - Diamond City Lights3
[歌詞] SuperM 正規一輯《Super One》全專歌詞1. One (Monster & Infinity) ▎MV中文字幕 You hear me walk into your town, right? Sounds rightX
[廢文] I Will Survive ☺At first I was afraid, I was petrified, Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side, But then I spent so many nights thinkin' how you did me wrong, Igre strong, and I learned how to get along, And so your back, from outer space,
[GBF] 合作活動 魔法老師59
[閒聊] alp 宅友3 1 0 2 P57
[生日] 今天是聲優「楠木燈」的25歲生日!56
[閒聊] 無限暖暖:三件以上是指至少四件52
[Vtub] LIVE是真的LIVE嗎?57
[沒倒] 鎖鏈戰記 出大事啦!!!!!!76
[閒聊] 鍾培生:規則絕對是統神有利,但裁判不48
[閒聊] 無嘴貓是怎麼走下神壇的?☺43
[閒聊] 統神復胖需要多久42
[蔚藍] 4周年紀念曲&PV公開40
[閒聊] 碧藍航線 7年的變化爆
[活俠] 小梅…噢…我的小梅……38
[蔚藍] 聖誕之前! SP! 生放集錦(圖極多注意)36
[Vtub] 飴宮奈沙 2024122336
[情報] 間諜家家酒108話33
[PTCGP] 1529人參賽出輪32強牌組31
[妮姬] 紅拉毗造型484有點土?28
[問題] 怪獸8號這部高潮是第幾本?32
[閒聊] 黑白妹作者:放心吧28
[蔚藍] 睡衣真紀28
[情報] GBF11週年活動預告 十二神將演義27
[24秋] 嘆氣的亡靈想隱退 暗示二季?21
[閒聊] 統神現在是台灣實況圈最大咖嗎98
[問題] 在宿舍怎麼玩黑白妹 急爆
[蔚藍] 聖誕SP生放22
[閒聊] 平行天堂 280 知夫莫若妻21
[情報] 噗妮露是可愛史萊姆 二期決定21
[MHG] 燃油車鬥魂三期製作決定,PV公開爆
[推投] 銀魂 最喜歡女角「1票」