[閒聊] Respawn:我們要感謝所有粉絲 感謝大家
As we wrap up 2024, we want to thank all of our fans, as well as our dev
family and colleagues for being part of this incredible journey...thank you
for all of your support!
Wishing you all an amazing holiday season and an epic New Year ahead. Stay
safe, have fun, and we will see you online!
在 2024 年即將結束之際,我們要感謝所有粉絲、開發者家族和同事,感謝他們參與了這趟令人難以置信的旅程…感謝大家的支持!
沒事 重生放假去了
底下留言沒一個好話的 :)
※ PTT留言評論
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[情報] Djokovic IGRoger it’s hard to see this day and put into words all that we’ve shared in this sport together. Over a decade of incredible moments and battles to think back on. Your career has set the tone for what it means to achieve excellence and lead with integrity and poise. It’s an honour to know you on and off cour t, and for many more years to come. I know that this new chapter will hold ama爆
[情報] Kimi IG:本季結束後退休正式宣布這是他的最後一季 This is it. This will be my last season in Formula 1. This is a decission I did during last winter. It was not an easy decission but after this season it is time for new things. Even though the season is still on, I want to thank my family, all my teams, everyone involved in my racing career and especially爆
[閒聊] T1 隊員個人冠軍桌布好像沒人發,分享一下,轉自T1 Youtube頻道 Hello, this is the T1 Content Team. We’re excited to share something special to celebrate our 2024 Worlds victory— brand-new custom wallpapers featuring each of our players. This year, we’ve brought them back by popular demand, thanks to all the request88
[花邊] Dwight Howard感謝湖人La thank you. It was truly a pleasure being back in la. And winning a championship. I am very grateful to the Buss family, the Rambis family, the Pelinka’s and the entire laker organization. Lakernation. I love you77
[花邊] 一些球星對公鹿的稱讚So happy for Giannis and Milwaukee man...amazing to see what happens when you put your heart and your soul into something and stay genuine and true to yours elf. Inspirational Gobert:「我為字母哥和密爾瓦基感到開心……當你為某件事全心全意的付出並保持真摯72
[情報] 布依德(Julian Boyd) IG發文總結這賽季One of the the toughest things to do is end a season on a loss. Especially the way it ended this year. My heart hurts for my teammates and the organization because the goal and expectations were so much higher. I have to thank @formosataishindreamers for a great home this year and for allowin me to play another year of the game I love. Thank you to all the fans, you guys56
[外絮] TSM/鼻爾森/DL/Biofrost/Spica 推特每個人的推都滿短的所以集合成一篇就好了 [下路]DL(這篇是輸給 FNC 確定淘汰後就發的) broke the 3-3 curse but in the wrong direction 我們打破了 3-3 魔咒,但是打破的方向錯了48
[情報] 領航猿Robinson IG內文: TAIWAN!!! First off I want to thank the @taoyuan_pilots_official organization for giving me an opportunity to be apart of this club. I know this season did n’t go the way we all would have imagined but we definitely grew and it was a lot of fun. I want to also thank the Pilot fans for their constant support th39
[閒聊] Trevor Bauer TwitterTrevor Bauer @BauerOutage To the fans in my mentions right now: @Reds fans: I love you all. Thanks for an amazing season! Wish you could’ve been at the ballpark! Braves fans: Seems like y’all hate me and I wouldn’t be embraced here! What a shame...21
[外絮] KDF推特(DuDu/Jun加入&教練Millimas加入)來源: We signed a multi year deal with our new SUP 'Jun' until 2024. We look forward to see great performance of him, and ask for a support from
[閒聊] 幻獸帕魯要玩到什麼程度才會開始有趣?70
[問題] 邦邦怎麼都不找知名聲優來配音了67
[閒聊] 為啥鳴潮在巴哈人氣這麼高?55
[母雞] 初華把sumimi當成什麼?47
[閒聊] MIKO 沁音提到去年拒絕很多COVER的工作51
[母雞卡] 到底要怎麼樣才能一次虧損168億日圓?47
[母雞卡] 有祥子這樣的女兒到底有什麼好不滿的?37
[母雞] 帶了內褲面具真就認不出來?來試試?37
Re: [閒聊] 漫威爭鋒 vs OW 好玩在哪?35
[母雞] 初華會用「一座島鎖住一個人」嗎?33
[鳴潮] 折枝該何去何從29
[閒聊] 暗喻幻想 龍之試煉真的打到火都上來33
[母雞] 祥爸能怎麼反轉形象?32
[MYGO] 睦寶的安慰有多頂31
[問題] 最近jump動畫都沒興趣是我老了還是不好30
[母雞] 睦寶採訪時本來想講什麼 (AveMujica 01)30
[情報] 今天是雪之下雪乃的生日30
[母雞] 愛爽 真的好強30
[閒聊] 昭和美國物語:日本並不是只有武士忍者吧29
[母雞] 現實中戴面具的天團是不是超少?28
Re: [問題] 終極動員令的NOD怎麼能對抗國家聯合?27
[母雞] 愛音整系列過最爽沒有之一26
[母雞] 覺得自己很像小祥爸25
[閒聊] 跟風看了母雞卡第一集26
[BGD ] 叫爺爺還是外公跟入贅有關係嗎26
[閒聊] 邦迷覺得這季的邦邦會如何?22
[母雞] 祥子根本是無可救藥的面子星人吧 雷25
[閒聊] 漫威爭鋒 vs OW 好玩在哪?24
[閒聊] Ave Mujica動畫瘋兩小時4.5萬觀看