[情報] Krafton收購Tango Gameworks

看板C_Chat標題[情報] Krafton收購Tango Gameworks作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:8

擁有PUBG的Krafton Inc與微軟達成協議將收購Tango Gameworks和Hifi Rush這個IP


"Krafton Inc today welcomed the talented people of Tango Gameworks to their team, marking a exciting moment in the company's global expansion and its first significant investment in the Japanese video game market," the press release reads."This strategic move will include the rights to Tango Gameworks' acclaimed IP, Hi-Fi RUSH."

微軟回應Windows Central:
"We’re working with Krafton to enable the team at Tango Gameworks to continue to build games together and we look forward to playing their next great game. There will be no impact to the existing catalog of Tango games."


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mod98008/12 08:21hifi rush續作有望

kylefan08/12 08:21補來源:

kylefan08/12 08:21

goodday556608/12 08:25至少tango員工因此不會失業了

Cagliostro08/12 08:31至少Hifi Rush活了

linfon0008/12 08:32等等學微軟 收購完即原地解散

lazioliz08/12 08:37不收垃圾

CloudVII08/12 08:40這家真慘... 唯一良心只剩...

TPAsavelove08/12 08:47東京鬼線雖然劇情那樣 但創意還是有的 希望他們續作

TPAsavelove08/12 08:48更好

hankiwi08/12 08:49笑死鬼線就這樣被切掉了

unorthodoxy08/12 08:53當初被笑山寨死亡空間 結果變成Tango的金主

Annulene08/12 10:03邪靈還是不行 殘念

WLR08/12 10:04IP賣掉了,那感覺也有一天會離開XGP

xdoranges12308/12 10:08所以邪靈入侵真的要涼涼了嗎

unorthodoxy08/12 10:12若木衛四團隊接手邪靈 很好奇會產出什麼神奇的東西

madeinheaven08/12 12:51木衛四團隊解散了吧 創始人都走了

vincecarterx08/12 12:58有消息至少比沒消息好 邪靈再等等吧

unorthodoxy08/12 13:34木衛四的工作室SDS還在啊 只是製作人下台而已吧

unorthodoxy08/12 13:35據傳還有在開發新作

GenShoku08/12 15:55這韓廠人也太好 願意救 佛心

GenShoku08/12 15:56反正微軟就對亞洲沒心了 該放手的都放一放好嗎

unorthodoxy08/13 12:30現在專板開始檢討都不來玩HiFi的玩家

unorthodoxy08/13 12:30所以工作室被解散就不要嘴wwwwww