[蔚藍] 抽一井一,安啦
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Sensei's Resolve is Tested...

The walls close in, the shadows whisper of conspiracy...
There can be no hope in this hell, no hope at all.
https://youtu.be/3fh4wFILO3c?t=174 (配音)
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[影音] 210302 Blue Side by j-hope of BTS210302 Blue Side by j-hope of BTS Blue Side (2021)55
[情報] 訓練照片流出 Kyle Lowry變壯了來源: SB Nation作家Naveen Ganglani推特 網址: Kyle Lowry looks JACKED. 蘿莉看起來變壯了! 照片:43
[閒聊] tamron70-180測試出爐,銳度超GM來源:sonyalpha rumors RUMOR: First test suggest the Tamron 70-180mm FE is sharper than the Sony 70-200 mm GM lens! I received the first test report of the Tamron 70-180mm f/2.8 FE lens. I was tol d we shall get some more “official” news about this lens soon. In the meantime9
[情報] 聰明哥MRI正常Smart underwent an MRI today on that right foot and the imaging returned clean , sources tell ESPN. There’s hope he’ll be ready for Game 1 and Celtics will see how it feels on Tuesday in Miami. Smart右腳的MRI看起來是正常的,有機會準備好週二對熱火的第一場比賽。4
[情報] 石頭FB/IG更新What is a dream, and what is reality? These questions always occur in my mind. I ask myself, are dreams, and reality, absolute or relative? Could we actually realise whether we are in a dream or not? I still have no answer yet, but I have luckily had an opportunity to work with1
[情報] 2023/04/24 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座 4月24日星期一的運勢 失望只是暫時的感受。 當別人或事情讓你失望,或是某件事情沒有達成時,起初會讓你很難過,但這種感覺不會 永遠維持。 至少你還有機會重新追求夢想或再試一次,總有希望下一次能夠成功。- ★BanG Dream! 9th☆LIVE COMPLETE BOX ・Release: 2022年06月22日(水) ・Artist : Poppin'Party / Roselia / Morfonica / RAISE A SUILEN
- ★BanG Dream! 9th☆LIVE COMPLETE BOX
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