[閒聊] Kay報平安
I'm alive
My area is still safe. There were some fires that started later that were very worryingly close but they managed to put it out in time, didn't need to evacuate.
I went outside to check things real quick and the smell of smoke is everywhere.I coughed a lot ):
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會咳 該讓我們有機會付費幫他cure一下了吧?
[花邊] Kawhi Leonard暫時離隊Sources: Los Angeles Clippers star Kawhi Leonard is stepping away from the tea m to be with family who were forced to evacuate due to the Los Angeles-area wi ldfires. #haynesbriefs 洛杉磯快艇隊球星Kawhi Leonard將暫時離隊,陪伴因洛杉磯地區野火被迫撤離的家人。54
[爆卦] 加拿大因野火疏散黃刀鎮2萬人加拿大黃刀鎮快被野火包圍了 野火可能在本週末就燒到黃刀鎮 所以加拿大政府疏散黃刀鎮2萬市民39
[花邊] 龜龜談到洛杉磯野火:我的家人很安全Russell Westbrook on the Los Angeles fires: 龜龜談到洛杉磯野火: “My family is safe, but people that I know, close friends and family have lost their homes… Being from LA, never seen anything like this before. Not being abl32
[外電] 今天湖人主場 對黃蜂戰延期NBA官方宣布了今晚湖人VS黃蜂的對戰通知 黃蜂隊對湖人隊比賽延期。 原定於今晚在Crypto.com Arena舉行 夏洛特黃蜂隊與洛杉磯湖人隊之間的比賽,29
[情報] Contreras當初被紅雀調離捕手的原因?I found out something, I was talking to a lot of the Cardinal people. The reason that they took Contreras out from behind the plate, he was calling pitches that the pitcher on the mound didn’t have… He would be calling for a cutter, for a pitcher that didn’t throw a cutter. The pitchers were going crazy.”25
[問卦] 台灣為什麼很少會有野火的問題???國外新聞野火都是很難撲滅 面積很大 然後波及很多村莊小鎮 直接燒成廢墟 台灣雖然偶爾也會有燒垃圾燒野草引發森林大火12
[閒聊] Kay: 請大家不要爆雷1. 為了讓所有人都有新鮮的體驗 請大家第一個禮拜盡量不要爆雷更新內容 2. 玩第四關(困難)的時候,請把音樂的音量開到最大 Less than 48 hours left!5
Re: [閒聊] Kay Yu: 想在2024之前推出0.7Kay Yu大大後續又發了新推 談到他非常想回去做動畫 但自己在動畫上的進步遇到瓶頸 主因是他住在加州的生活費太高 必須要有在遊戲業的本業支撐生活2
[情報] 03/31 the daily horoscopeA second chance may be coming to you soon, Gemini. This could be in some area of your life where you spend a lot of time wishing something had been differen t and that you had done more with the gifts the universe has blessed you with. This new beginning could be offered to you in the area of relationships, your home life, or maybe even both. This time, if you spend more time digging into
[母雞] 母雞卡05 祥子這時候心裡在想什麼?37
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[母雞] Ave Mujica B站評分跌破9分了28
[母雞] 現實真的有人跟立希一樣魯的嗎?25
Re: [母雞] Ave Mujica B站評分跌破9分了66
Re: [母雞] 初華做錯了什麼要被祥子這樣對待?22
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[閒聊] 所以買Xbox的重點是什麼19
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[母雞] 初華都這麼慘了 沒人黑的下去了吧…5
[閒聊] Forza Horizon 5 上 PS5 囉!8
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[母雞] 初華接下來沒理由黑了吧22
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[母雞] 喵黑會怎麼寫道歉文?25
[母雞] 燈的便條紙23
[母雞] 有人第五集看到哭嗎?29
[閒聊] 母雞卡第五集誰是MVP?