[閒聊] HoloCureDev: 這按鈕好恐怖

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時間推噓26 推:26 噓:0 →:10


圖 HoloCureDev: 這按鈕好恐怖
This is the scariest button I've ever seen in my life

It' just sitting here, waiting to be pressed. I hope I don't accidentally
press it too early...

sometimes I see chats talking about HoloCure and then suddenly someone throwsout some completely wild misinformation regarding what's coming or what I've
said and I'm like, HUH

if there's no straight source from me, please take it with a massive grain ofsalt, a whole salt rock


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benny61401708/04 09:18Let me in!!!

greg9032608/04 09:18到極限了 就是現在 按下去

IOP1475908/04 09:18我記得還差10天

ThreekRoger08/04 09:18他做完了喔 這麼猛

Irenicus08/04 09:21企鵝: let me innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

gungriffon08/04 09:21它正等著被出生 就等你右手食指按下去了

Pegasus9908/04 09:22你倒是快按啊.jpg

yangjam08/04 09:23第三炸彈 敗者成塵!

hdjj08/04 09:24讓我進去,我要玩它

QBoyo08/04 09:27企鵝又要來施壓了(x

philip8150108/04 09:27快~~~

AfterDark08/04 09:27企鵝:No pressuuuuuuuuuuuuure

mamamia041908/04 09:28發行日期只是要配合印尼國慶,不是他的進度排成

angel650208/04 09:32按下去啊

spfy08/04 09:33企鵝在你背後 他非常激動

gaucher08/04 09:38你倒是按呀

TheMatt08/04 09:46底下企鵝在它發推的時候已經回應了

TheMatt08/04 09:46

圖 HoloCureDev: 這按鈕好恐怖

angel650208/04 09:46XDDDDDDDDD

jonwei08/04 09:47不可能壓線在發售日前後 一定是先做好再等日期釋出 就是某

jonwei08/04 09:47企鵝已飢渴難耐了

tkforever08/04 09:49我好興奮啊

Shinn82608/04 09:53Kaela: press it! Right now

hayate6553608/04 09:54你倒是按阿

alpho08/04 09:55Let me innnnnnnn

jeremy798608/04 10:02wwwww

atteleitus08/04 10:05ela好像說他89月超級忙

a2517236608/04 10:16企鵝好像說他這麼急就是因為17號當天他沒法播這個XD

DEAKUNE08/04 10:37企鵝:DEW IT! DEW IT NOW!

lex6553608/04 10:42敦促印尼政府把國慶日改成8/4(x

akles11108/04 10:44按不了阿ww,這次更新主打ID,當然要等國慶

Luos08/04 10:50每個工程師的痛 表示準備加班的按鈕

sporocyst08/04 12:08最後那個加料的翻譯是錯的

forest204c08/04 12:12let me in!!!!!

aeoleron08/04 12:47先看個鯊鯊鴨鴨鯨

befaithful08/04 15:49kaela: no pressure, do it nowww!