[開BAN] 使用Windows 11 登入某些遊戲會被當外掛

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Gamers Blame Windows 11 After Getting Banned on Call Of Duty And PUBG -
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Natasha Hashim

在Reddit上,部分射擊遊戲玩家聲稱他們在升級Windows 11後再次上線某些射擊遊戲時會因觸發BattlEye反作弊系統而被封號。這些遊戲包括《決勝時刻》、《絕地求生PUBG》

Posted July 5, 2021, 5:24 p.m.

After Microsoft announced the Windows 11 update, many users decided to join
the Windows Insider Program to try the software early. However, gamers had
something to complain about.

Over on Reddit, some players claimed they were banned from games that
utilised the BattlEye anti-cheat software after upgrading to Windows 11.
These games include Call of Duty, PUBG, Rainbow 6 Siege and more. Apparently,the anti-cheat software failed to recognize the OS and flagged it as a cheat.

As of now, the problem seems to have been resolved. PUBG Corp announced on
Reddit that the issue has been fixed. Meanwhile, Call of Duty players later
discovered that it may not have been Windows 11 that triggered the bans.

Either way, it seems like it should be alright for gamers to upgrade to the
Windows 11 but for those who are still hesitant, perhaps it’s better to wait
for the official version of the OS to be released before you do.

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god520401707/05 21:50你可能是正版軟體的受害者

ga200622198507/05 21:50正版受害者

KousakaReina07/05 21:51我用win11玩R6好幾天了,沒啥問題...

shinchen07/05 21:51玩手遊都知道OS不要太快升級

dreamnook07/05 21:51正版受害者再現

jokerpok07/05 21:53你可能是正版軟體的受害者

olozil07/05 21:54你可能是正版軟體的受害者

GETpoint07/05 21:55提供另一個案例

ccjg467307/05 21:56笑死

elvis22207/05 21:57win11還在測試 沒事不要去更啦

mkcg582507/05 21:57正版受害者w

frosagen201807/05 21:58笑死

GETpoint07/05 21:58 苦主升級完Win11之前就將CPU的

MGuarder07/05 21:58我Win12都能順跑了 一定是你們自己的問題

GETpoint07/05 21:58集成TPM打開,然後將自己的MBR—BIOS啟動切換到UEFI/GPT

GETpoint07/05 21:58啟動 最後登錄還是會遭遇被封禁的情況 原因可能更加複雜

qazxswptt07/05 22:04慘遭正版

qazxswptt07/05 22:05 授拳

roger84041007/05 22:05還在測試的系統發生奇怪的事不是很正常嗎

wk41593707/05 22:11現在Win11還不算正式發布吧,那有問題感覺很正常,雖然

wk41593707/05 22:11就算正式發布八成也是一堆問題

r8527060707/05 22:15急著跑去參加測試也真勇敢 估計都是多部電腦的

water90307/05 22:27笑死

f173102507/05 22:30有點軟感謝你的犧牲奉獻

phoenixzro07/05 22:35這不是太快升級,是你跑去用測試版...

hom547307/05 22:35Windows Insider Program 就早期測試吧 本來就抓問題的

asz44815107/05 22:36笑死樓上還真有人更w11喔,謝謝你的debug數據奉獻

jds251807/05 22:43擬就是正版軟體的受害者

hoe110107/05 22:48搶先更新OS到底有啥好處?

littlestar6607/05 22:55微軟感謝你的協助

guogu07/05 23:09好處就當白老鼠阿

Wangsl07/05 23:14笑死人,微軟從win10開始砍掉了一堆開發測試人員,全部轉

Wangsl07/05 23:14嫁給消費者做免費debug,還一堆人興高采烈的免費當白老鼠

Wangsl07/05 23:14惡搞自己的日常作業系統

hoe110107/05 23:27除非有硬體或軟體不支援舊的,早更新OS早受罪而已

wsx8843207/06 00:35win11普及率應該比10低很多 硬體要求太多

h6041407/06 00:41正版軟體的受害者

hayato0107/06 00:41何必急著更新虐待自己呢

cvspka0295307/06 04:07感謝這些免費當微軟的QA人員