[原神] 英文的youtube頻道拿到金獎牌

看板C_Chat標題[原神] 英文的youtube頻道拿到金獎牌作者
(神無月 孝臣)
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:3

圖 英文的youtube頻道拿到金獎牌

Dear Travelers,

Just recently, Paimon received the Gold Creator Award from YouTube. It's timefor a celebration!

Paimon would like to thank everyone for their appreciation!
Please stay tuned to our only official YouTube channel >>>


雖然文中寫著It's time for a celebration!


Deserves death! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some diethat deserve life. Can you give that to them? Then be not too eager to deal outdeath in the name of justice, fearing for your own safty. Even the wise cannotsee all ends.

Gandalf to Frodo


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s3224415308/13 21:08現在的獎勵計算單位還是甜甜花釀雞?= =

Thide08/13 21:14英語區的PV觀看次數超恐怖

Valter08/13 21:19想說不知不覺已經百萬訂閱 上去看一下不對啊已經350萬了…

AirForce0008/13 21:19連甜甜花都不給,難過

smallkaka08/13 21:28米摳遊 有夠摳

nanachi08/13 21:33原神搞不好能鑽盾

LeonBolton08/13 21:38正向點!米摳遊在憋大招,週年慶直接一次給福利(醒

Thide08/13 21:57醒醒,夢話等睡著再說

Grothendieck08/13 22:17登入就有免費五星 9月又再送 佛心

gm7922792208/13 22:49所以有送原石嗎

Hasanieer08/13 23:36厲害了

protoss9708/14 02:23甜甜花釀雞也太爛了 至少給個仙跳牆吧