[閒聊] 史克威爾艾尼克斯與高通合作XR開發

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Qualcomm and Square Enix Announce Collaboration on Snapdragon Spaces

Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and Square Enix Co., Ltd. announced a
collaboration to explore extended reality (XR) experiences for Square Enix’s
global network of leading development studios and intellectual property. The
Advanced Technology Division (ATD) at Square Enix, will work on the Snapdragon Spaces™ XR Developer Platform and the two companies will collaborate on new
paths to push the boundaries of immersive gaming experiences.

圖, 史克威爾艾尼克斯與高通合作XR開發


XR 包含擴增實境(AR)、虛擬實境(VR)與混合實境(MR)



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soma201603/22 12:17日廠還不會爬就想飛,笑死,今年暴死幾款了

horseorange03/22 12:18XR目前還不用期待

BrowningZen03/22 12:18館長:RRRRRRRRRRRRRR

SaberMyWifi03/22 12:19iPhone XR不是早就出了嗎

DuckZero03/22 12:22SE社是嫌最近爆炸還太少對吧

askaleroupig03/22 12:22soma2016的法環暴死心得什麼時後要發表阿

realion03/22 12:30高通SOC被蘋果打爆好幾年才開始要弄嗎

krousxchen03/22 12:35弄可以跟蒂法、愛莉斯、克勞德、塞飛互動的遊戲就爆賣

moswu03/22 12:38Soma被打臉打到神智不輕了

Annulene03/22 12:39等合作什麼公布再說 老史微妙..

willytp9712103/22 12:44蒂法3D VR A片

cat05joy03/22 13:34DQ XR GO