[閒聊] Bygin-白巾 FB (內有龜狗
啊哈...龜 你怎麼變成這個樣子了
※ PTT留言評論
真的是我龜毛嗎?晚餐,我們夫妻倆跟國二的兒子到家裡附近吃熱炒。 預計點五、六道菜。 一開始兒子先點了一道,我先生點了兩道。 我也點了一道脆皮肥腸。 被先生改成四季豆肥腸,因為他說他想吃四季豆。爆
[外絮] 記者:如果把龜龜放在最差的魔術隊能進記者:如果把龜龜放在最差的魔術隊能進季後賽;龜龜妻子:確實 Russell Westbrook has struggled this entire season to make an impact on the Los Angeles Lakers. He was expected to gel incredibly well with LeBron James and Ant hony Davis, but things haven't gone in the Lakers' favor so far. 龜龜整個賽季都在努力對洛杉磯湖人隊產生影響。原本預計他會與LBJ和AD磨合得非常好,爆
[外絮] 湖人簽換報價以龜龜為中心,但籃網沒興趣Woj:湖人簽換報價以龜龜為中心但籃網不感興趣 The Los Angeles Lakers are determined to get Kyrie Irving and reunite him with L eBron James, but unfortunately for the Purple and Gold, the Brooklyn Nets are no t interested in what they have to offer. 洛杉磯湖人隊決心得到KI,並讓他與LBJ重聚,但不幸的是,對於紫金軍團來說,布魯克林爆
[外絮] LBJ與龜龜同時在場時的正負值為-87,於LBJ與龜龜同時出賽時的正負值為-87,於龜龜未出賽時的正負值為-5 Russell Westbrook coming to the Los Angeles Lakers was always going to be a bit of a gamble but no one knew exactly how difficult the situation would get for th e player as well as the franchise. His production has fallen off a cliff in Los Angeles, as Russ simply isn't able to contribute to his teams the way he always90
[花邊] Vogel:這就是簽THT的原因,但THT跟龜龜Vogel:這就是簽THT的原因,但THT跟龜龜都必須持球才能發揮最佳狀態 "He and Russ together haven't been great because they're both at their best with the ball in their hands," Vogel continued. "As a coach you have to make those t hings fit." Vogel:THT和龜龜一起上場表現並不是很好,因為他們都必須持球才能發揮最佳狀態,作為86
[外絮] 薪資專家說火箭一直願意跟湖人換龜龜來源: SI 網址: Lakers Have 'Standing' Trade Offer from Houston Rockets for Russell Westbrook 湖人一直有著來自火箭願意跟他們換龜龜的報價 The Russell Westbrook trade rumors have been swirling for months now. As soon43
[外絮] 球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻沒有打得更好 Russell Westbrook has been at the wrong end of critiques from all over the NBA f andom this season, especially from fans of the Los Angeles Lakers, the team he c urrently plays for. The hate and the criticism have gone so far that Westbrook h as spoken about how he won't bring his family to games anymore and his wife Nina67
[花邊] 神偷Alvarado 這次被龜龜發現了來源: 最近一直用躲貓貓式抄球抄出名的鵜鶘神偷 Grand Theft Alvarado 在今天對湖人的比賽被Russell Westbrook 死死盯著 Alvarado偷球精華:35
[外絮] 前裁判:裁判經常漏吹對龜龜的犯規,因前裁判:裁判經常漏吹對龜龜的犯規,因為他太強壯即使被犯規也能完成終結 Russell Westbrook may have had a rough year with the Los Angeles Lakers, but he' s still a solid basketball player. Russell Westbrook is good when driving to the rim, and creating open opportunities for others. He is also a fantastic rebound er for a guard.
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Re: [閒聊] 美好世界3期 作者補充設定(7~11話)10
Re: [24秋] 東離劍遊記 4 05 魔宮貴族9
[閒聊] 芙莉蓮:男人喜歡這個9
[蔚藍] 櫻子大人要來點惡作劇了9
[MyGO] 鮭魚交尾7
[公主] 貼貼可可蘿。26
[閒聊] 陰陽眼見子算恐怖漫畫嗎?1
Re: [閒聊] 蔚藍檔案台服 算是安全下庄了嗎26
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[蔚藍] 陽奈、妃姬、愛麗絲雜圖6
[問題] 因為語法拓寬所反映的未和繪者6
[蔚藍] 哇幹 CK內衣莉央 哇幹6
[蔚藍] 短髮莉音5
Re: [閒聊] 30多歲的女人真的很老嗎?5
[MyGO] 愛爽淋雨中5
[活俠] 創作-雪山派的午餐時間7
Re: [閒聊] hews 綾瀨桃9
[閒聊] 香格里拉 開拓異境 從漫畫最新到原作最新7
[情報] 劇場版 紫羅蘭永恆花園 獲 初Dolby Cinema賞