[情報] 2023/03/26 Daily Horoscope
但是事實上他們試圖與你溝通已經是一個好的跡象 - 代表他們願意與你交流。
Cancer horoscope for 星期日 3月 26
If someone were to speak to you in a language that you did not understand, you would have to find some way to convey your inability to understand. But the fact that they were trying to communicate would be a good sign - they would beshowing willingness to communicate with you. Someone in your life is not getting through to you, but it is not for a lack of trying, Moonchild. Keep this in mind today if you get frustrated or angry because someone can't seem to connect with you. You can find a way if you both want to.
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- Try to resist losing your temper or becoming overly stressed over a matter you are dealing with today, Gemini. There may be someone else involved, and you m ay be frustrated that they don't understand what you are trying to tell them o r how you are trying to guide them. But losing your temper and showing your an xiety might only make it worse. Try to figure this out by asking the other par