[情報] 2025/01/09 Daily Horoscope
You have underestimated yourself in an area where you don't feel confident, dear Moonchild. You want to be helpful to someone you love, and your huge desire to do that is clouding your judgment. You may not know exactly how to proceed to provide the assistance you want to offer, but that does not mean that youcan't handle it. It could be your feeling of being intimidated that is the only thing holding you back. Once you get started, you'll get past that, and you'll be surprised by how well you will do.
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[情報] 03/02/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may receive offers of assistance on something that you are struggling with, dear Moonchild. You are a proud and very independent person, though, and you often have trouble accepting help, even when it is freely and willingly offered. But this may be a chance to make someone else feel helpful and important while also making things easier for yourself. And9
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/23你可能處於這個狀況中:你真切地渴望得到你生命中某個人的愛與關懷,但他似乎沒有表 現處理。或許你會感覺內心深處相當空虛,因為你渴望得到他的愛和關注。但也許他正在 給予你所想要的東西,只是並沒有在你心裡留下印象,親愛的阿牛。請考慮一點:如果你 不夠愛自己,你可能無法瞭解別人怎麼會愛你。這更多的是有關你對自己的感受,而不是 別人對你的感受。思考一下吧。5
[情報] 7/20 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 20 2021 A person who studies and practices something for many years may never measure up to someone who has a natural talent for the same thing. You have a special gift in some desirable area, Capricorn, but you may be intimidated to fully employ it. Perhaps there are others around you who you feel are far more4
[情報] 04/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 01 2022 當你跨出舒適圈會有焦慮與憂心的感覺, 因為你不再知道該期待些什麼, 因為你進入了不熟悉的領域。 但今天別讓這件事阻礙你嘗試新的或不同的東西,魔魔,3
[情報] 09/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling very confident about a new endeavor, dear Gemini. Yes, you know what you are doing, and you have the potential to do amazingly well. But there is such a thing as being "overconfident." When you leave no room to cons ider that you could be wrong, you can miss something you would not miss if you left that mental door open just a bit. While your confidence is impressive, a2
[情報] 18/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere is a difference between wanting and coveting. When you want something, you see it more practically. When you covet something, there is a craving there that can be hard to rationalize, and therefore you may not see it as clearly. If you are feeling a compelling desire to make something happen now, Moonchild, you need to try to understand that sense2
[情報] 12/20 The Daily HoroscopeYou may feel a strong desire to make something big happen in a plan you are in volved in. Even so, Gemini, it may be frustrating because you feel like being a tiny cog in the big wheel. Maybe your role has been rather small, but your contribution has been very big1
[情報] 05/06 the daily horoscopeSomeone you often turn to for support, encouragement, and comfort occasionally has a rather harsh edge. Maybe this person is moody or very emotional, and wh at they are feeling becomes obvious. Even so, the reassurance and inspiration they provide for you are valuable, dear Gemini. There may be someone now who i s turning to you for inspiration, but you might not feel like you have what th1
[情報] 09/15 the daily horoscopeYou do not need to know everything there is to know about love in order to "fa ll" into it! Nor do you need to know everything there is to know about a certa in path to success to become successful. You may be underestimating yourself, dear Gemini, as you consider saying either yes or no to a chance that may not come again. Don't be intimidated by it. And whatever you do, don't see yoursel1
[情報] 11/10 the daily horoscopeHave you been assertive enough with someone who is taking advantage of your go od nature, dear Gemini? Maybe you have said "no" to them regarding a favor mor e than once, yet it is as if they simply don't hear you. That could be because you are not being clear enough or firm enough out of the desire to be liked. If "no" is your answer, however, you need to be direct and very clear about it