[情報] 2024/10/25 Daily Horoscope
To be a good salesperson, you have to understand what makes someone tick and what they want and need - even if they aren't quite sure themselves. You may not literally be a salesperson, dear Moonchild, but you are trying to "sell" something now. It may be something tangible, but more likely it is an idea, or you may even be "selling yourself" for an opportunity that means a lot to you. Before you get started, make sure you understand who this person is and what they want and need. With your creativity, you can come up with a spectacular presentation.
[情報] 04/17 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 17 2022 演員的目標是要住在他們要演繹的角色性格中, 他們要開始透過角色的眼睛看世界, 以便能理解什麼對角色有意義, 以及是什麼驅使角色行動。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/08宇宙鼓勵你要有耐心,並要使你與生活圈裡的人出現的衝突塵埃落定。不論這個人是否是 自願與你接近,你都尚未看到完整的局勢,因此不要低估這個人。如果照著現在看來明顯 的事物去做,你可能會錯過很多細微的差異,阿牛,這沒辦法讓你完全理解這個人。要寬 容地做出假設,這麼做會是相當明智的。 ——3
[情報] 25/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeA conflict could spur a creative moment for you today, Moonchild. Even if you don't agree on an important point with someone, the thoughts and images that are conjured up through this communication could bring out an imaginative and brilliant idea. Don't be stubborn about it, though, as you are inclined to be. The wisest people take the good from every situation3
[情報] 23/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf there is some aspect of your life that doesn't feel right to you, or if there is some way in which you would like your life to be better, you don't have to make a big sweeping change all at once. When you think about changing things, the idea of all that you would have to cover to make a difference could be overwhelming. And that thought, in turn, could cause3
[情報] 10/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 15 2021 廣告商都知道, 當你試著要販售某個商品, 要去搞清楚買家想聽什麼, 而那不必然是他們實際需要的。2
[情報] 16/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeA good salesman can always tell how much someone wants the product he is selling. Whether it happens to be a car, a new home, or any kind of purchase, really, the buyer may give off signs that they will do anything they have to do to have it, which gives that salesman quite an advantage in negotiating the deal. If you give away your desire for something now,2
[情報] 18/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere is a difference between wanting and coveting. When you want something, you see it more practically. When you covet something, there is a craving there that can be hard to rationalize, and therefore you may not see it as clearly. If you are feeling a compelling desire to make something happen now, Moonchild, you need to try to understand that sense1
[情報] 09/08 the daily horoscopeA person who has the gift of charm, a sense of humor, and a way with words wil l usually be very good at getting people to literally buy something or to do t hat person's bidding in some other way. Even someone who is as smart and savvy as you can fall for that kind of spell cast by a charismatic individual, dear Gemini. Be wary of that today. If someone tries to finesse you into doing som1
[情報] 09/15 the daily horoscopeYou do not need to know everything there is to know about love in order to "fa ll" into it! Nor do you need to know everything there is to know about a certa in path to success to become successful. You may be underestimating yourself, dear Gemini, as you consider saying either yes or no to a chance that may not come again. Don't be intimidated by it. And whatever you do, don't see yoursel- You may be trying to get someone to agree to something or to join you in an ef fort where you need their help. This might be a hard sell, dear Gemini, but wi th your charm, you can certainly pull it off. To make the offer as sweet as po ssible, you need to go beyond just presenting the facts. Add excitement to wha t you are "selling" by thinking of what will appeal to the one whose assistanc