[情報] 2024/10/17 Daily Horoscope
When you do something that is different from the "norm" - or when you yourself march to the beat of a different drummer - people don't always accept you easily. As an imaginative and emotional Moonchild, you may often think of yourself as a bit of a misfit because you come up with unusual ideas, and you are anextraordinarily unique individual. And right now, you might be feeling especially unaccepted or even feeling as outright outcast. Instead of internalizing this and getting upset about it, try to use this experience for gaining perspective and to work on something that is meaningful to you that other people just don't understand. This is likely to bring your moment of vindication fairly soon.
[情報] 12/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 10 2021 有一些你認識的人能想出傑出、瘋狂且令人印象深刻的點子, 你可能驚艷於他們分享自己構想的渴望, 並認為你自己永遠沒有這種勇氣。 有時他們的想法會發展飛速並可能非常成功,6
[情報] 30/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may not think of your negative thoughts as a choice you made. You may see those upsetting thoughts and ideas as having come to you through no fault of your own but through experiences you've had. And while these thoughts may naturally occur, Moonchild, you don't have to automatically accept them. That's where your free will comes in. Although you may be dwelling on something5
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。4
[情報] 11/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 29 2020 People don't really see you as a rebel, Capricorn, but more as someone who fits in quite well and embodies what is normal and mainstream. But what those people do not see about you is that while you may give that impression based on your stalwart, reliable outward appearance, your rebelliousness occurs out4
[情報] 01/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou have very strong opinions about certain things, but you probably don't think about those opinions on a daily basis. The only time your opinion comes to the surface is when you are faced with someone who has an opposing opinion. Then you have to dig out all of your reasoning and all of the facts that support what you believe. You may soon encounter someone3
[情報] 25/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeA conflict could spur a creative moment for you today, Moonchild. Even if you don't agree on an important point with someone, the thoughts and images that are conjured up through this communication could bring out an imaginative and brilliant idea. Don't be stubborn about it, though, as you are inclined to be. The wisest people take the good from every situation2
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou may have an idea you are afraid to share because you don't think anyone el se will understand. Perhaps you are afraid of being judged or dismissed, and m aybe you fear that someone will think you are a bit unrealistic to come up wit h something so unusual. But you will never know who might be a kindred spirit until you are willing to share your most unique ideas, Gemini. Today is a grea2
[情報] 04/21 the daily horoscopeWhen you have food in the refrigerator, clothes in your closet, transportation , and a cozy place to sleep at night, you are already way ahead of a lot of ot her people in the world. You may have all of that, dear Gemini, but right now you could be feeling just a little bit sorry for yourself over something that did not work out the way you hoped it would. You will have the chance to try a2
[情報] 08/07 the daily horoscopeThe world might seem upside-down to you now, dear Gemini. The people you know may seem a bit like strangers on some level, and things that made sense before no longer do. You are evolving, and sometimes that's how it feels. It can be disconcerting when the familiar suddenly feels unfamiliar, but you will acclim ate. Something is changing in you, and as you aspire to your highest self, you1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/09不尋常的人事物很有可能帶給你一個獨特又非常誘人的機會。由於你是保守地懷抱著合情合理的期待,你通常不太會被奇怪的東西給吸引,阿牛。說真的,你甚至或許會快速地選擇另外一條路來走。但是當事情感覺有點吸引人的時候,你必須保持開放的心態來面對這又新又不一樣的東西,因為一旦你挖掘越多,你越能夠看到它將帶來的許多好處。敞開心胸面對新的機會吧! Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 9 An unusual person or experience could lead you to a unique and highly desirable opportunity. Because you are more of a traditional person with reasonable expectations, you don't always gravitate to things that are out of the norm, Taurus. In fact, you might even walk the other way rather quickly! But you need to remain open to something new and different that is a bit intriguing, because the more you explore it, the more you will see the many benefits it offers. Be open to new opportunities. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.