[情報] 2025/01/13 Daily Horoscope
Most of us enjoy spending time around people that we feel comfortable with. We have a lot in common. We understand each other. We know what to expect. You are someone who is especially inclined to spend your time with the same familiar people because you prefer the comfort and warm feelings that come with familiarity. However, Moonchild, it is good to challenge yourself once in a while by spending time with people who are very different from you - people you are not very, or at all, familiar with. Today or soon you may have a chance to do that, and you are encouraged to go for it. Shake up your world and your experiences a bit!
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/03-01/09你可能會比平時更有同情心的去對待周圍的人,特別是在你和某些有著惱怒傾向的人待在 一起。妳現在可能有著更好的洞察力,幫助你能更好的理解這些人,所以你可能會傾向於 幫助、鼓勵他們,而不是和他們爭論。跟著這種感覺走,因為這對所有人都好。你也可能 會覺得自己更有慈悲心,渴望為一份好的事業做一些事。這也是個好主意,因為它可以幫 助你服務更高的自我,這是個理想的一週,花時間與朋友-那些將輕鬆與幽默帶進你生命4
[情報] 1006 DailyHoroscopeYour most common and familiar routines give you a sense of comfort and continu ity. This is true for many people, Capricorn, but it is especially true for yo u. And not only does having a reliable routine make you feel soothed and secur e; it also enhances your success in many ways. But be careful today that you a ren't getting so mired in a routine that you don't notice brilliant chances to4
[情報] 23/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeThe term "staycation" has become quite popular recently. People were beginning to realize more profoundly how wonderful their own home environment could be with the love and nurturing and time they might spend fantasizing about someplace more exotic. You have always known this though, Moonchild. Yours is the sign of the home, and your home is truly at the2
[情報] 05/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeEvery person on the opposite sides of an argument believes that they are standing up for what is right. Their convictions are based in the way they grew up, the lessons they have learned, and the people they spend time around. But we can have very different opinions from other people and still recognize them as being good and having integrity. You may clash2
[情報] 3/1 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 1 2021 Most people take great comfort in their routines. There is something reassuring about doing certain things all the time, or doing things in a certain way because you know what the results will be. But every now and then, a chance comes along to try something different, Capricorn. Don't turn2
[情報] 09/17 the daily horoscopeSome people like to plan things out step-by-step, down to the smallest detail. Those people might drive you a bit crazy, dear Gemini. You are more inclined to be spontaneous, even when engaged in a serious endeavor. But you are encour aged now to do at least a little bit of research and planning as you take on a new opportunity. This could be important to your future, and being more famil2
[情報] 08/07 the daily horoscopeThe world might seem upside-down to you now, dear Gemini. The people you know may seem a bit like strangers on some level, and things that made sense before no longer do. You are evolving, and sometimes that's how it feels. It can be disconcerting when the familiar suddenly feels unfamiliar, but you will acclim ate. Something is changing in you, and as you aspire to your highest self, you1
[情報] 03/10 the daily horoscopeStrong people have moments of weakness. Confident people sometimes lack certai nty. Kind people can lose their tempers from time to time. None of us are perf ect, Gemini. Today you may be experiencing some ups and downs that seem to be uncharacteristic of you. That's okay. Let it be okay! Your day might feel a bi t upside down at times, but that's mostly because you are brave enough to emba1
[情報] 03/22 the daily horoscopeThings that are new - relationships, jobs, homes, and so on - may not feel war m and familiar at first. It takes time to get used to them, to work them into a routine, to experience the kind of comforting moments that make it feel righ t. And then there are other things that feel warm and familiar right away. And when something feels familiar right away, you might automatically trust it. T