[情報] 2024/12/12 Daily Horoscope
Knowing where you want to go in life is extremely important. Even so, withoutthe knowledge of how to actually get there, your desires are really only a dream. You have been striving for something for a very long time, dear Cancer. You can picture the actual "destination" in your mind. Getting there is anothermatter. However, the guidance is out there if you open yourself up to a path you have not yet tried. It may even seem unrelated to what you want, but it could connect you to the people and the opportunities you need. Start looking for that.
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[情報] 12/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 21 2021 對那些熟練於使用電鋸的人來說, 從傾倒的樹上砍柴是相對簡單的工作, 但對於那些覺得使用電鋸不安全、 或是沒有電鋸的人來說,3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/12我們所走的每一步都指著某個方向,就連我們所沒有興趣去走的也是一樣。我們常常因為生命的航程是一步接著一步,而不是依照有遠大藍圖的計畫走,而抵達一些地方,不過親愛的阿牛呀,我們很有可能會透過這樣的方式,達到我們人生中最好的目的地或是目標。你或許正覺得好像在一趟重要的路途中有點脫軌。但是,如果你是腳踏實地的一步一步來,你當然不會懂自己終將走到哪裡去,那麼你也不會知道或很確定自己是走在錯的路上。現在就儘管向前行吧。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Aug 12 Each and every step we take points us in a certain direction, including the steps we don't intend to take. We often wind up in places because much of life's navigation is done step-by-step rather than by a big broad overview type of a plan, but dear Taurus, we may reach some of our best destinations and goals in life this way. You may feel as though you have been derailed somewhere along the way on an important journey. But if you are taking one step at a time, you can't possibly know your final destination, so you can't know or be sure that you are on the wrong path. Just keep going forward for now. --3
[情報] 07/15 the daily horoscopeYou may have let go of something recently in an effort to make more room in yo ur life for something else. But now it may feel like there is an emptiness the re, and you could be wondering if you've made a mistake. Nothing is certain, o f course, but you have to at least give this a try. You must have felt strongl y enough about your goal to make changes that would accommodate it, so keep th2
[情報] 05/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be experiencing some gloomy thoughts about your life or your future, Moonchild. You may think that somehow you strayed away from the path that you were meant to travel, and now it is too late to fulfill some aspect of your destiny. But even if there really is a grand plan, dear Cancer, how could you ever stray from it completely or forever? If there2
[情報] 03/16 the daily horoscopeThere are people who have very specific plans on what they want to do with the ir lives. Sometimes they believe they know their purpose when they are just yo ung children. But that does not mean they won't later question whether they ar e on the right path or not. If you are having misgivings now about your chosen path through life, Gemini, don't just make a dramatic move to change it. If y2
[情報] 02/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may be afraid of not fulfilling your purpose here on earth, dear Moonchild. This may be something that has always been a concern, but you may be especially preoccupied by this thought right now. As you get older, and you don't accomplish what you believe you are here to do, it can begin to feel like a failure. You may wonder what opportunities you may have2
[情報] 10/31 the daily horoscopeThere are people who believe in astral projection. They truly think they can p roject their spirit into another place and perhaps another time. But whether t hey truly can or not, you should employ something similar to this technique fo r yourself today. Program your voyage for the very near future. Start imaginin g yourself visiting the site of an upcoming endeavor for which you are harbori1
[情報] 11/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeLooking for a rainbow will not cause one to suddenly materialize, Moonchild. We don't have that kind of power over nature no matter how positively we think. But if you start looking for rainbows, you are more likely to notice them when they do appear. And what's more, you begin to recognize that another rainbow will appear at some point in your life,1
[情報] 02/09 the daily horoscopeThere is a significant change you are seeking in your life. Maybe you have sai d so in your prayers or affirmations. You can picture what you want, dear Gemi ni, yet you may be asking for less. You may even be willing to accept far less than you actually want. Why? Is it because you don't feel you deserve the who le thing? Is it because you don't think you can have it? You need to align you1
[情報] 02/27 the daily horoscopeIs the story of your life already written, dear Gemini? Is it written down in great detail somewhere in the mysterious Akashic records? If you believe this, then there really is no point in ever trying anything new, since what is mean t to be will be. While there certainly are elements in life that are planted a long your path, you do have the free will to make your own choices and to use