[情報] 09/04/2020 Daily Horoscope
As a Moonchild, you are a deep well of love and emotion. You love
tradition, and you love family. Because you tend to be so emotionally
available, you are often the one that others come to in times of need or
when they need guidance because you exude a maternal/paternal feeling.
These are traits of your sign. Other signs have different strengths and
weaknesses, some of which balance yours out beautifully. You may meet
someone today or very soon who is very different from you, but that does
not mean you can't complement each other in some way. Be open to that now.
[情報] 11/05/2022 Daily Horoscope作為一個充滿愛卻也敏感的星座,你有更大的能力去承受脆弱。 傷害會更痛。痛苦更深。 但你的敏感也意味著你感受和接受愛的能力也更深了。 你現在正踏上情感之旅,你知道你可能會受到傷害,但你就像你的脆弱一樣堅強。 更重要的是,月之子,你值得善良和愛。2
[情報] 10/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 10 Cancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 10 You are a highly emotional person, Moonchild. In fact, yours is one of the mos t emotional of all the signs. But sometimes, as you know, those emotions get a way from you, and that can result in certain problems and conflicts. You may h2
[情報] 07/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,你和你生活中一個新的人之間的差異將變成一件好事,儘管現在可能很沮喪。 如果你堅持下去,你應該會發現你們的差異是相互補充的,平衡了優勢和劣勢。 對自己和對方都要有耐心,放心吧,如果你努力把你們的關係看成是有可能變得和諧和富 有成效的關係,那就會變成這樣。 The differences you are experiencing between yourself and a newer person in yo1
[情報] 18/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 8月 18 You have nothing to worry about, Moonchild. Does seeing those words in front o f you make you feel any better? You should be able to provide that kind of rea ssurance for yourself. You are, after all, so intuitive that deep down you alr eady know this, and yet, that may not be enough. With an imagination like your1
[情報] 06/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 6 You may be projecting a fear in your mind that is not realistic, Moonchild. Yo u are such a caring person that you are always concerned about the well-being of those you love. Right now, you may be imagining that someone you care for i s going to be emotionally hurt in some way, and you could be imagining the wor1
[情報] 09/03/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,如果你犯了一個錯誤,你可能會是第一個注意的人。 如果是愛人犯了錯誤,你會謹慎且包容許多。 你以非常高的價值和標準來要求自己,而你經常為此受到打擊。 但這是一種自然發展的特質,來自於你深刻的責任感。 你可以不用學習對自己如此苛刻。1
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou happen to be very intuitive, Gemini. You also happen to be very social. Th is may be why you aren't always as reliant on your sixth sense as other signs that are so inclined - such as Pisces and Scorpio. That's because you tend to lean more into what others think, and that affects the feelings you get. Today , though, try not to share a feeling that comes to you in a powerful way. You1
[情報] 2023/03/26 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座3月26日星座運勢 如果有人用你不懂的語言跟你講話,你必須找一些方法來表達你無法理解。 但是事實上他們試圖與你溝通已經是一個好的跡象 - 代表他們願意與你交流。 有人在你的人生中無法理解你,但這並不是因為他們沒有嘗試,月之子。 今天如果有人似乎無法與你建立聯繫而讓你感到沮喪或生氣,請謹記這一點。1
[情報] 2023/04/11 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座 4月11日 星期二的星座運勢 你生活中的某個人是一個教唆犯,這是與他們相處的經歷;月之子,你非常清楚。 即使如此,每當他們試圖在情感或任何其他方面操縱你時,都會開始一個新的循環,使你 感到煩惱並處理後續。 你需要學會忽略這個人試圖通過壓力或挑逗你的弱點來支配你的企圖。- 星期五4月7日的巨蟹座星座運勢 今天有人可能會用警報器等類似之物來向你傳達一則訊息,月之子。 你不是那種會喜歡這種壓倒性、甚至是強迫性方式溝通的人。 你更希望能用低調輕聲的方式傾聽,而不是大聲且令人不舒服的溝通方式。 但嘗試從對方的角度來想,也許他們對某件事情感到非常熱情,並且相信必須盡全力讓你