[情報] 15/06/2020 Daily Horoscope
In a good movie, the soundtrack can set the mood and add to the drama of
the story. It rises and falls with the audience's emotions. It punctuates
important parts. It glamorizes the stars. It is extremely important to
conveying the film's tone and message. You are not a movie, Moonchild, but
if you were, you would be a heady drama with some comedy mixed in. You
will soon have to convey an important message to someone. Although you
can't have an orchestra accompany you, you can add drama through facial
expression, hand movement, and so on. Don't hesitate to let your drama
queen out if need be.
[情報] 0214 DailyHoroscopeIf you said something nice with a frown or an angry look on your face, or if y ou were to say something mean with a big warm smile, you would probably confus e whoever you were talking to. Our thoughts and our feelings usually match our body language and our facial expressions. You can convey an awful lot by your tone of voice and your demeanor. Keep that in mind today if you have to conve4
[情報] 25/10/2022 Daily Horoscope今天,當你想去分享的訊息時,不要太糾結於你怎麼說。 親愛的月之子,你可能在等待完美的詞彙出現在你面前,也在等待完美的時機說出來。 但你只要傳遞的訊息是發自內心的,它就會對你產生好的效果。 你可能認為,如果你的訊息沒有完美傳遞,就不會受到歡迎。但是完美往往在於發自內心 的說話。3
[情報] 03/12 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 12 2022 你在情緒上非常能夠克制自己, 即使你要向某人分享深刻的訊息,魔魔, 你也能夠降低語氣, 並用盡可能最委婉的方式說你必須說的話。2
[情報] 0224 DailyHoroscopeThere may be a bit of drama in your life today, Capricorn. But whether you are stirring it up or someone else is instigating, you can't help but engage in i t. But is this really about what it appears to be on the surface? Or could the re be a deeper purpose to starting trouble or histrionics? If you or someone e lse has something important enough to say that you are willing to create an an2
[情報] 03/14 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a message to convey that you already know your people do not want to hear. And since you know this message will not be popular, Leo, you may be procrastinating. You can't really change the message, but the way you deliver it can make a difference. If you choose to speak encouragingly, inspire, and put a spotlight on what's good in what you have to say, then your message will1
[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscopeYou can control your own emotions, Gemini, but you can't control someone else' s. With your good sense of humor and your playful nature, you can often put so meone at ease and in a happier state when you want to, but they must first be receptive. If you find yourself surrounded by drama lovers today - which is ve ry possible given the frenetic nature of your day and the sizzling energy that1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/30當自己正在面臨一連串的難題時,看一部要角們都在經歷著各種花式麻煩與慌亂的電影,對你而言可以說是滿特別的體驗。那是因為在絕大多數的電影裡,有開頭,有中段,通常還有帶來寧靜與皆大歡喜的美滿結局。那可以在你死命掙扎時帶來滿滿的希望。儘管最近有個爛攤子可能沒辦法完美的了結,但至少可以好好的結束。天助自助者,寶貝阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday May 30 Watching a movie where the characters experience a lot of trouble and turmoil can be a very special experience when you are going through problems of your own. That's because in most movies, there is a beginning, a middle, and an end - and usually, the happy ending brings peace and closure by wrapping things up nicely. That can fill you with hope when you are struggling. Although a current drama of yours may not have such a neat ending, it will end well. Have faith in that to see you through, dear Taurus. --- Taurus horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 你可能正在掩飾或軟化一個你需要向某人傳達的訊息。或許你採取這個方法是因為你擔心你不會以強硬的態度去說服他們,或者因爲你害怕挑起衝突。但走在蛋殼上也不是辦法,親愛的牛牛。 如果你沒有明確地說出你的意思,也沒有傳達你訊息的重要和迫切性,那又有什麼意義呢?只要你的表達上能夠機智,那更直接的方法會是較佳的選擇。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期四 8月 27
- 月之子,你不是一個輕易放棄的人,而且你以你的韌性爲傲。 誰認識你就可以看見這一點,因爲你不會在沒有抗爭的情況下退縮。 但是,有些爭鬥沒有價值,你現在可能就面臨這樣的局面。 你無法控制他人的想法、言論或行爲,那就接受並且讓自己開心。 你不想放棄或妥協,但是想退出當前的戲劇也不是只有這兩個選擇而已。