[情報] 0224 DailyHoroscope
There may be a bit of drama in your life today, Capricorn. But whether you are stirring it up or someone else is instigating, you can't help but engage in it. But is this really about what it appears to be on the surface? Or could there be a deeper purpose to starting trouble or histrionics? If you or someone else has something important enough to say that you are willing to create an angry environment because of it, then it should really be dealt with directly. With honesty and integrity, you can resolve this peacefully.
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[情報] 11/12 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 12 2021 在你世界中的某人可能正試著要煽動, 他們嘗試著要激怒你, 或許是因為他們感覺到與你的競爭, 又或許因為其他原因。7
[情報] 10/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 24 2020 It is said that you shouldn't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you! And you may not think you are inviting trouble into your life, dear Capricorn, but by ignoring a certain situation that really needs to be addressed right now, you may be doing just that. If there is an outstanding issue that you6
[情報] 10/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 21 2020 You may find yourself at odds today with someone you normally agree with. This may come as a surprise, Capricorn, and it may cause you to wonder if your judgment is faltering or if someone has so radically changed that they are no longer aligned with you in the same way. But every relationship has6
[情報] 09/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 28 2021 魔魔,看似簡單的安排可能是故意想讓它看起來呈現這樣, 但真相往往遠比表面上看起來更複雜。 某人正努力試著誘惑你進入某件事中, 但如果你更深入知道這件事的內情是什麼,6
[情報] 12/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 29 2021 你今天接受到的奉承看似有一點過了頭,魔魔, 但別假設它是假的。 某個你正在打交道的人或許偏好花言巧語, 因為他們剛好是如此熱情的人,5
[情報] 10/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 30 2020 When a person can't get what they want - or can't get everything they want - they may settle for less. But you don't like to settle, Capricorn. You like to work hard until it is possible to get exactly what you want. You don't like to take no for an answer. But today if you are in that mindset and5
[情報] 1/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 19 2021 Whatever you are doing, Capricorn, you walk forward with purpose. Your strong step and powerful momentum may fool others when you aren't sure where you are going, or you don't have all the knowledge you need, but internally you do struggle when there is uncertainty. Even though you don't show it, you do3
[情報] 10/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 23 2020 There could be a romantic vibration surrounding you today, Capricorn. Someone may be admiring you from afar, or vice versa. Whether you are on the giving or receiving end of this adulation, you need to be straightforward about how you feel and what you want. If you are flirtatious but don't have any serious2
[情報] 4/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 19 2021 You may be wondering if you are looking at a current conflict without bias. The idea that you are willing to even consider this is a testament to your integrity, Capricorn. Although you may feel partial to one side of things, the fact that you can take a step back to do the right thing is quite noble. If you feel you can't be impartial now, give yourself some time to view the situation from a distance. Time and space will help you see things in the most balanced way possible. -- 你在想, 是不是能不帶偏見的看待一場衝突,1
[情報] 1/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 18 2021 A message may come to you today that reveals someone's conflicted point of view. You may have thought that everything surrounding a joint effort was copacetic, Capricorn, so this may put a wrench in the machine! If this revelation has an impact on something that has already been planned and is