PTT推薦 nanooo 過去發表過的文章
[理賠] 車禍理賠和解問題(我肇事方)更新: 感謝大家不吝嗇分享 我安心不少 我跟對方聯絡幾次 對方態度其實都蠻和善4
Re: [問題] 他要放棄我了嗎?嗨嗨你好~~ 我們也是蠍女魔男配 想跟你分享一點心得:) 但是我只能從文章判斷 妳就參考看看這樣~10
[寶寶] 一歲後週末親餵平日配方奶的可行性大家好~ 新年快樂! 目前寶寶8個月大了 已經長兩顆牙 是全母奶的寶寶12
[哈拉] 魔男的抱怨嗨!各位摩羯魔眷(揮手 好久不見了 希望大家都好 此篇為文長沮喪心情文 請斟酌使用1
[寶寶] 7m寶寶皺眉後流淚自己回覆更新 今天托嬰接回來掛兩行鼻涕 一樣淚水汪汪 老師說應該是鼻淚管堵塞 請我回家多按摩1
[問題] iRobot掃地機器人另購拖地機的必要性大家好,最近因為嫩嬰出生 家裡考慮添購掃地機器人 (i7機種) 家裡除了浴室跟廚房外皆是耐磨地板 目前是用dyson 吸塵器88
[懷孕] 孕期37週閒聊文嗨嗨大家午安~~ 時間過好快, 感覺距離上次發孕期初期閒聊才不久前的事情 轉眼間就快要卸貨了 我是第一胎40
[懷孕] 月中之後月嫂/娘家安排大家好~ 最近在煩惱一件事情 想請問大家的意見 本來是規劃好產後在月子中心住20天 之後多訂10天的月子餐22
[哈拉] 閒聊一下關於摩羯前任嗨各位魔羯魔眷大家好哦(揮手 想來跟大家閒聊一下 另人又愛又恨的前任 可能是因為懷孕比較玻璃心 總之呢4
[哈拉] 反差萌的行為嗨嗨各位魔羯魔眷大家還好嗎 這個月是魔羯月了 再忙也要讓自己好好吃個飯 在自己的生日放鬆一下哦:)) 來開個正能量的話題好了30
[哈拉] 關於魔羯難聊?嗨嗨各位魔羯魔眷好哦! 我最近也很好肚子開始變大了呢 很前一陣子家魔一直擔心我變太胖 跟我說 我不求你生後要像隋棠4
[情報] 1006 DailyHoroscopeYour most common and familiar routines give you a sense of comfort and continu ity. This is true for many people, Capricorn, but it is especially true for yo u. And not only does having a reliable routine make you feel soothed and secur e; it also enhances your success in many ways. But be careful today that you a ren't getting so mired in a routine that you don't notice brilliant chances to1
[情報] 1005 DailyHoroscopeIf you are working on a group effort in a brainstorming meeting, you should be happy when someone else comes up with a brilliant plan. After all, the team i s composed of everyone - not just the one with the dazzling idea, Capricorn. Y ou may feel a strong desire to prove yourself to someone - and perhaps that so meone is yourself - though you may not yet recognize it. However, when you cat76
[哈拉] DailyHoroscope需找人接班了嗚嗚嗚 大家晚安 想跟大家分享兩個消息 一好一壞 好消息是我懷孕惹!1
[情報] 1004 DailyHoroscopeEveryone deals with stress in their own way. Some people will go to the gym an d take out their tension on a treadmill or a punching bag. Some will indulge i n a purchase that makes them forget whatever is bugging them. And some will ea t a gallon of their favorite ice cream. The second two options aren't necessar ily healthy, but in moderation, they are fine. If you have gotten into negativ1
[情報] 1003 DailyHoroscopeThere is someone in your life who depends on you a lot, Capricorn. Even though this is quite flattering and reassuring that you are someone others see as re liable, insightful, and strong, it can also be quite draining. You may be expe riencing a big shortage of "me time" because when you get some time and opport unity to do something for yourself, you are often called upon by someone who d1
[情報] 1002 DailyHoroscopeIf a plan that is already set in motion seems to be veering off in the wrong d irection, getting nervous about it won't help. If your adrenaline starts pumpi ng, and you channel that restlessness into fear and worry, you will continue t o go in the wrong direction, dear Capricorn. Think of someone driving an autom obile when a deer starts to leap into the road ahead. If the driver panics, th2
[情報] 1001 DailyHoroscopeThe Procrastinators' Club will be issuing you an invitation to become a member - well, very soon at least. That's what they're planning, but they may put it off for a while. Have you been stuck in your thoughts about a certain matter, postponed it, or just about given up on moving forward? You are stalled and d welling in limbo. Surely that can't be better than simply making a decision an3
[情報] 0930 DailyHoroscopeMaking a certain person in your life happy might seem like an impossible task right now. You may have tried everything you can think of, Capricorn, but some people just enjoy being miserable. And besides, the only person you really ne ed to make happy is you, and you haven't put nearly enough effort into that. S tart with giving up on being the source of someone else's happiness. That alon2
[情報] 0929 DailyHoroscopeYou may be wondering if something you want very much is possible to achieve. Y ou do tend to approach your goals this way. You set aside your passion for wha t you want, and you look at it in a more scientific way. But what you don't ta ke into account, dear Capricorn, are the emotions you feel about it and how th ose emotions can empower you to overcome odds and challenges. If there is some3
[情報] 0928 DailyHoroscopeYou may have felt pretty darn good - at first, at least - about a goal you too k on. But since then, Capricorn, someone has pointed out all the reasons that this could fail. Now your confidence is eroding rapidly, and you may not have the same great hope you had for this in the beginning. But who is that someone ? You have a really good sense about this sort of thing. You need to trust the1
[情報] 0927 DailyHoroscopeBeing confident does not necessarily mean that you know all you need to know. Sometimes confidence can come from knowing that you don't know or have a comma nd over certain things. Because you know there are certain things you need to look out for. If you are starting something new, Capricorn, draw strength from the knowledge that whatever you may face, you will be able to find a way to d1
[情報] 0926 DailyHoroscopeYou have gotten everything primed and ready to go for a complicated project, C apricorn. But you are such a workaholic at times that your mind keeps racing e ven when you have earned a chance to just relax. If you need to, go over your mental checklist to reassure yourself that everything is covered, then force y ourself to do something fun, carefree, and enjoyable. Pull your thoughts away3
[情報] 0925 DailyHoroscopeGetting caught in a snowstorm when you aren't wearing snow boots or a warm eno ugh coat can leave you feeling very uncomfortable. An unexpected happening in your life may have left you with the equivalent feeling. But the good thing is that in the future, this dilemma is preventable by being prepared, Capricorn. A new venture is beckoning. It could leave you caught in a proverbial snowsto4
[情報] 0924 DailyHoroscopeYou have a lot to be grateful for, Capricorn, but if you are experiencing a to ugh time right now, those blessings in your life might not be that obvious. Th at's why it is important in times like these to remind yourself of all you do have going for you. You may have strong family bonds, impressive talents, impo rtant skills, great friendships, and so on. Each of these and more are pricele4
[情報] 0923 DailyHoroscopeWhen there is a deluge of rain, it causes ponds and lakes and rivers to overfl ow, which in turn can cause a wide range of problems. When there is a deluge o f emotions, Capricorn, it can similarly cause you to feel overwhelmed. That's why dealing with personal emotional matters as they arise is the best way to g o. If you are feeling something that needs to be expressed now, then express i2
[情報] 0922 DailyHoroscopeAre you now comparing one of your more challenging relationships to one that w as ideal in every way, or in most ways? If so, Capricorn, let's start by recog nizing that there really is no comparison. Each person in your life and every situation in your life is different. They each have varying strengths and weak nesses. They each offer something good and something less desirable. If you ma1
[情報] 0921 DailyHoroscopeYour love of order and perfection often causes you to have a strong need to be in control of every project that you take seriously. It isn't that you think someone else isn't just as qualified; it's just that you know what you want, t herefore you know the best way to go about getting it. But today, Capricorn, y ou may have to hand over the reins to someone else - perhaps someone of your c1
[情報] 09/20 DailyHoroscopeWhen you are upset by something that a friend or family member has said or don e, and they don't acknowledge that anything is wrong, it can be very frustrati ng. In fact, Capricorn, that sense of frustration might even totally eclipse t he original issue. Today if someone shares a matter that is bothering them in your relationship, take it seriously. Don't just smile and assume it isn't imp1
[情報] 09/19 DailyHoroscopeAre you feeling the desire to back out of a previously arranged plan? Even tho ugh you may have the need to be alone now, you may still decide that you are o bligated to follow through since you have promised. But things change, Caprico rn, and sometimes you have to be more flexible - in the way you treat yourself especially. If you just aren't up to following through with this arrangement,8
[情報] 0918 DailyHoroscopeA positive development is in store in... wait a moment, Capricorn, what exactl y were you hoping to hear? In what area of your life have you been hoping for something positive to happen? The choice really is yours. Not because the univ erse is showering you with magic dust or because a genie is granting you a wis h. No, it's more complicated than that. You have toiled away to manifest somet78
[懷孕] 懷孕初期閒聊大家好~~ 爬了一些懷孕初期的文章 覺得不能大肆跟別人討論有點悶XD 目前5W4D 這是我第一次懷孕4
[情報] 09/17 DailyHoroscopeMany people collect coins from their pockets, and they deposit them directly i nto a piggy bank or more often a bowl or a jar. Although the idea is to save u p, the reality is that many people just don't like change jingling in their po ckets or clogging up their wallets. Change is seen as lowly because a palmful of it never really adds up to much. But it actually does eventually add up to2
[情報] 09/16 DailyHoroscopeYou may feel that you have only two options in how to handle a very stressful situation, Capricorn. You could face it head-on and deal with the fear and tro uble directly, shaking in your boots as you do. Or you could hide away from it all from the safety of your couch cuddled up in your coziest blanket. But the re is also a third option - you can do both combined. Take comfort where you f5
[情報] 09/15 DailyHoroscopeA dark mood or worrisome thoughts can make it difficult for you to see the bri ght side or to find humor in the world around you. But it is exactly these thi ngs - seeking out the bright side and finding humor in even the most challengi ng of situations - that will help you return to a place of optimism and happin ess. If you are feeling down in the dumps or simply not as positive as you wou1
[情報] 09/14 DailyHoroscopeYou are strong, you are hard-working, you are diligent, and you are responsibl e - but you are not always as flexible as you could be, Capricorn. That's simp ly because by the time you take on an assignment or commit to a plan, you have already researched your role and planned the best course of action. Therefore , you see no reason to be flexible because you have already found the right wa1
[情報] 09/13 DailyhoroscopeWhen you were a child, your mother might have advised you against taking a sho wer - or using water from any source - during a thunderstorm because it could be dangerous. There are many young people who would find that advice laughable . However, Capricorn, it happens to be true. Lightning can travel through plum bing, including the shower and the kitchen sink. Sometimes those ancient bits2
[情報] 09/12 DailyhoroscopeYou are a pillar of stability. You are the shelter in a storm. You are the anc hor to which others attach themselves for a sense of safety and security. And so, Capricorn, when you experience upset or anxiety, others get nervous too. Y ou are a source of strength, and when you don't feel strong, others feel uncer tain and insecure. But that does not mean that you don't have a need - or a ri3
[情報] 09/11 DailyHoroscopeYou can explore the world, and just about any subject, from right where you ar e seated. The device in front of you opens many gates to knowledge. You can se e what Japan looks like in the spring. You can discover the foods and recipes of Italy. You can learn about investing, canning vegetables, training dogs, an d just about anything else. But there is something to be said for getting out3
[情報] 09/10 DailyHoroscopeAn invitation you receive today or very soon may be nice, but not all that exc iting. Although you are happy that someone has thought of you, Capricorn, you might find the activity dull. But don't judge it so quickly. Even if you aren' t thrilled with the premise of a possibility, it could have other aspects that will be deeply rewarding or lots of fun. For example, you could meet someone4
[情報] 09/09 DailyHoroscopeWe are able to do all kinds of magical, fascinating things in our dreams if ou r mind chooses to take us there. We can fly, dive off a cliff, or travel to sp ace in a rocket. Although none of these things may be possible during waking h ours, and the reality is that they probably never will, while we are in a deep sleep, these impossible things seem very real to us. In your waking life now,7
[情報] 09/08 DailyHoroscopeIf you had a close call on the freeway because a reckless driver almost veered into your path, it could leave you feeling anxious and trembling. If you then continued to focus on the near-collision and the fear and trembling you exper ienced, you would extend the bad experience. But if instead, you thanked your lucky stars for protecting you and keeping you out of harm's way, and you simp2
[情報] 09/07 DailyHoroscopePeople who have clashing opinions sometimes have a hard time getting along. Th ey may base their dislike for each other on values, morals, and ideals. But if you don't know certain inflammatory things about someone, you might find them perfectly likable. Then, when you learn that you disagree on a topic that is important to you, your entire focus changes. You may not have much in common w2
[情報] 09/06 DailyHoroscopeWhen was the last time you got a great compliment, Capricorn? Has anyone told you recently how impressed they are by your work ethic, your diligence, or you r irrepressible determination? Even if you haven't heard anything like this in a long time, it does not diminish all of the above because these qualities re side within you. Soon, you may receive high praise from someone you put on a p2
[情報] 09/05 DailyHoroscope9/5 You are an excellent time manager, Capricorn. In fact, you are very efficient in a number of ways. It helps you to be as productive as you want to be, and t hat's something that is very important to you. But in trying to be effective a nd efficient at the same time, you don't always enjoy or make the most out of2
[情報] 09/04 DailyHoroscopeWhen a friend or family member stops by your home unannounced, there are two w ays that you can react. You can come to the door all flustered and anxious wor ried that they will notice your laundry piled up on the couch and the dishes i n the sink - or you may be worried that you won't finish all of the tasks you had planned. Or, Capricorn, you can come to the door with open and welcoming a4
[情報] 09/03 DailyHoroscopeDespite your calm outward appearance, Capricorn, you may be churning beneath t he surface right now. Although there may be many things on your mind, you aren 't necessarily acknowledging it to yourself. You are someone who believes in p ulling yourself up by your bootstraps and carrying on, but it is wise to recog nize when you need to stop for a while and reflect. Take some time to find a w2
[情報] 09/02 DailyHoroscopeThere are people who are quite gifted at saying exactly what you want to hear. They have a way of honing in on what is most important to you and understandi ng what makes you tick. Great salespeople are often talented in this way becau se it helps them understand what points to use to make a successful sale. If s omeone is saying everything you want to hear now, be a bit wary about it, Capr1
[情報] 09/01 DailyHoroscopeEveryone knows the line: "But Grandmother! What big teeth you have." By the ti me Little Red Riding Hood noticed all that was different and discomforting abo ut what she thought was her grandmother, she was already in harm's way. The cr eature with the big teeth turned out to be a wolf disguised as someone who was safe and protective. If you have an inkling now that something or someone you1
[情報] 08/31 DailyHoroscopeYou may be feeling somewhat oversensitive today, Capricorn, and something that is bothering you might be causing you upsetting thoughts that are unrealistic . This could even affect the way the rest of your day will go, putting a dark cloud over what could otherwise be a wonderful day. Try to think of your probl em in this way: Although it may require some effort to alleviate the issue, in6
[哈拉] 最近心情二三事嗨嗨 各位魔羯魔眷大家都還好嗎 最近看大家發推文的狀態好像都不太好 希望在低潮的大家 已經在谷底要開始回升反彈了!1
[情報] 08/30 DailyHoroscopeYou may be attempting to manage a situation or a person so that you can get th e best out of a situation, dear Capricorn. To this end, you may be very caught up in the details and making sure that they are tended to in the same way tha t you would tend to them. But you are more likely to get your point across by sharing your vision of the big picture and the outcome, rather than focusing o2
[情報] 08/29 DailyHoroscopeSo many details, so little time to delve into and overanalyze every single one of them. If you have gotten caught up in a wave of minutiae as you work throu gh a long-running process, you might wind up getting yourself stuck in a quagm ire of self-doubt, Capricorn. Though you may be a bit obsessed with making sur e that every aspect of this is absolutely perfect, you are doing the opposite2
[情報] 0828 DailyHoroscopeYou have become accustomed to the steady hum of life that surrounds you. Wheth er you are in the suburbs, the city, or in a rural area, time acclimates you t o the sounds and sights in your world. If something stands out to you today, C apricorn, it is worth exploring. Sometimes the most important messages or sign s we receive come to us in a way that gets our attention. So, remain alert, an1
[情報] 08/27 DailyHoroscopeThere are people who will apologize to someone, even when they feel they have done nothing wrong. They would rather be happy and content than right, and if apologizing will keep the peace, then so be it. But you are a stickler for the truth, Capricorn. If someone wants you to take responsibility for a problem t hat you did not cause, you might offer a firm position and stand on principle.4
[情報] 08/26 DailyHoroscopeWhen you are feeling worried or stressed, you might develop a craving for any one of a variety of indulgence foods. The more agitated you become, the more y ou begin to think about a big bowl of ice cream or a large plate of French fri es or whatever your indulgence is. And when you do, it brings a temporary sati sfaction that later turns to regret and guilt - not to mention the effects of1
[情報] 08/25 DailyHoroscopeWhen we say that someone is an "old soul," it usually means they have an other worldly wisdom to them. No matter how young they may be, they are sagacious an d insightful. Whether you think of yourself in this way or not, dear Capricorn , you can adopt the oversight in a challenging situation to see it from above and with wisdom and insight. First, you must decide that you do have all that3
[情報] 08/24 DailyHoroscopeYou may receive what appears to be an offer or an opportunity soon, dear Capri corn, and there may be some element of intrigue to it that is quite compelling . If you are bored or frustrated with something that is happening in your life right now, this might be hard to resist. But before you jump in or make any c ommitments, you need to think it through. Acting impulsively now could be detr1
[情報] 08/23 DailyHoroscopeA great deal on a house that is in need of total renovation is only a good dea l if you have the means or the money to invest in fixing it up. If you don't, you are then stuck with the ruins of a bad financial investment. You may be ta king something on now that needs a lot of work from the bottom up. Other peopl e may think it's a really bad idea, Capricorn, but you are the only one who kn1
[情報] 08/22 DailyHoroscopeThe help or guidance you have provided to someone has been hungrily devoured, but not gratefully acknowledged. At some point, Capricorn, the beneficiary of your kindness and generosity may have seemed so overwhelmed that you could und erstand a lack of demonstrative gratitude. But by now, you probably expected y ou would receive a kind word of thanks. If someone doesn't seem to be apprecia