[情報] 09/08 DailyHoroscope
If you had a close call on the freeway because a reckless driver almost veered into your path, it could leave you feeling anxious and trembling. If you then continued to focus on the near-collision and the fear and trembling you experienced, you would extend the bad experience. But if instead, you thanked yourlucky stars for protecting you and keeping you out of harm's way, and you simply breathed a sigh of relief, it would be a positive acknowledgment rather than negative. If you're still experiencing something negative, let go of that thought and reverse it into the positive.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/09/03我們常常會對於過去所犯下的過錯而起了負面的念頭。一個差錯,或者甚至是人生中踏錯的一步,都可能讓我們帶著懊悔或尷尬來回顧著過去。不過有些時候,阿牛,過錯是能夠將我們引導至正途的。我們從犯下的錯誤中,或者是不盡理想地做出來的事情所學習到的,恰能改變我們的道路,到真正屬於我們的地方去。你現在可能對於生命中的某個錯誤正強烈表達著失落,但是如果你用心地從中學習,你將會發現這終將帶領你去更好的地方。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Sep 3 We often have negative ideas about the mistakes we have made in life. An error or even a faux pas can cause us to look back with regret or embarrassment. But sometimes, Taurus, mistakes can lead us to someplace very positive. The things we learn when we do something wrong or in a less-than-desirable manner can alter our path toward the place we were really meant to be. You may now be lamenting a mistake in your own life, but if you study it carefully, you will see that it will eventually take you to a much better place. --5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/11或許你正在質疑某件自己曾在過去一兩個月內同意過的事。但現在它正在進行中,可能也 沒有退路了。如果你退縮了,那可能會傷害到某人的情感,或使某人處在一個不利的位置 。如果你確定了這件事,那你就已作出正確選擇了,阿牛。你只需要找到一個方法把你正 要做的事當成是一種好處。那件事可能會給你機會使你的心情好一點。它可能在許多方面 都是相當正面的經驗。專注在類似的想法上吧。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/10你可以看見在影響著你和他人的某個環節裡,有個需要被補救的東西。然而,你可能是唯一對於做出正面改變有興趣的人。應該在沒有任何人在乎的時候去做出貢獻嗎?阿牛,這完全由你決定,如果你為之付出,請不要挾帶著悔意或其他的負面情緒。一旦你為大家做出如此高貴的舉動,他們會懂,也會為其無所作為感到抱歉。反之,如果摻了負面能量在裡頭,那麼你將不會同樣地豐收。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 10 You can see something that needs to be fixed in an area that not only affects you, but also other people in your life. However, you may be the only one who is interested in making a positive change. Should you go ahead and do so if no one else wants to contribute? That is certainly up to you, Taurus, but if you do so, do so without resentment or other negative sentiment. It is likely that once you do the noble thing for everyone, they will understand and feel bad about their inaction. But if you do so with a negative charge, you won't reap the same big benefits. --3
[情報] 01/07 the daily horoscopeTry not to read too much into something unusual that someone says to you today , or some odd behavior they exhibit. It would be easy to interpret what you se e or hear in a negative way, but that would not be the right way to see things , Gemini. There is more to what you are experiencing today than meets the eye. Try to see this as a test. No matter what happens, try to find a way to inter3
[情報] 09/29 the daily horoscopeNegative thinking is frowned upon, especially by a positive person like you, G emini. But are you sure that you can always recognize negative versus positive thinking? Right now, in some important aspect of your life, you may think you are being a realist when you are really being a pessimist. You are thinking n egatively, and you are justifying it by choosing to believe that you're just b2
[情報] 01/23 the daily horoscopeWhen you count the minutes until an exciting event will unfold, those minutes can drag by. After a long time of waiting, you might even begin to fear that w hat you are anticipating will never happen. And even if you're wrong, that neg ative feeling can spoil your day and make you less appreciative of all the goo d things that are happening while you wait. If you are anticipating something2
[情報] 11/05 the daily horoscopeThere are things that you just will not be able to do today, Gemini. That thou ght may be what is preoccupying your mind right now. But there are things that you will be able to do and do well. If you shift your focus from what you can 't do to what you can do, you can have a very productive day. And what's more, you can have a fun and fulfilling day doing that. Sometimes it can be hard to1
[情報] 08/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeDo you believe in reincarnation? How about the idea that life is on one continuing cycle, and we all have the chance to repeat the same life for time unending? There are many theories and many possibilities, Moonchild, and this kind of deep concept may be something that came up recently or might come up. But there is so much of this world that we do not know, and1
[情報] 01/25 the daily horoscopeGuilt , anger, and jealousy are not positive feelings. They involve emotions t hat can eat away at your peace of mind and leave you feeling unhappy. Although these feelings may have some constructive use in certain circumstances, linge ring in any of them is not productive or positive, dear Gemini. You may be mor e emotionally strung than usual at the moment and more prone to falling into a